
Thursday 25 February 2016

Oliver James - First Three Years

The first three years of life is so important says author and clinical psychologist, Oliver James. Although I can't agree with him on redemption as he states that 'any redemption, will be addressing the symptoms - through therapy and drugs rather than causes'. 

I can appreciate why Oliver has some of the views he does and his MS condition is certainly an aspect of the way he views life, its circumstances and causes.

It makes you wonder if Oliver has ever gone back into the womb to pre-birth, or how much he knows about what happened pre-birth especially as he says that he has been interested in the Human Genome Project. What healing as he engaged with?


Gifted to Peter

As we know life doesn't begin when a baby is born, it begins much earlier than that - and when Oliver was conceived, all sorts of drugs were being given to women, and in those days, women didn't discuss their health with their children, nor would they consider they should behave better, and improve their standards.

Oliver was born in 1953 his profile says, and in those days, rarely did parents exalt children in equality and sometimes one parent did and the other parent didn't. Hence the child would go to the parent that treated the child the best in their eyes.

Although its a known fact that little girls tend to like being with their dads, and little boys like to be with their mums. Its natural really isn't it! Nature, nurture and environment.

I must admit I applaud Oliver James for speaking up about IAPT CBT and challenging it. Thank you Oliver James, I wonder are you writing a book about that next?

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