
Monday 22 February 2016

NHS In Stitches Testified

In the 80's I was involved in an incident that impacted upon my left leg. The hospital asked me to go to the GP when it was time to have those stitches removed. So the GP removed the stitches and put a plaster on it. Due to the GP putting a plaster on the wound, the wound came open again. So I went to see solicitors about it and they said it would cost £1,000 to pursue the  case and that there was no guarantee that I would win.

I mentioned it to a friend and she recommended a different solicitor and he was willing to take on the case for no fee for yours truly, and Robert was fantastic. So much so, that I often sent people to the practice where he worked. Robert and I agreed to turn down the first offer from the insurance brokers, and then we got a lot more on the second offer. and the insurance brokers had to pay for my costs too.

The case with Robert, the money paid for my first car - and I sent a bottle of champagne to the solicitor in appreciation of his great work to celebrate our win, of course, I still have the scar on my left leg.

The venue owner where the incident first happened, wasn't very happy about it, due to health and safety, and the possibility of his increase of his premiums, but he really did deserve to be sued.

He didn't take this Mother of Life on again after that. Zion defends the love and as prophecy foretold, 'I will be quick to testify', Malachi 3:5. 'My lips promised, my mouth spoke'. Psalm 66. 

I can feel that it is time to go and see the solicitors again, for justice to be done, about a different reality and it will be interesting to see who offers to help. My leg wasn't the last time that I turned to our local solicitors for legal justice, I had a different case after that with a different company.

That case was due to what the insurance people had done to do with mortgages during the recession.

The solicitor discovered the company had changed the small print of the original mortgage and associated policies, and neither the underwriters or mortgage companies had informed their customers of it. 

So whereby others didn't go to see solicitors for justice during the recession in the 90's to defend their properties, their home, their love, I did, and we won the case thanks to a brilliant corporate lawyer that found what they had done.

Reminds us of what Jesus said about having more. 'Whoever has will be given more, and they will be given an abundance'. Matthew 13:12 No coincidence then that Psalm 66 also mentions the place of abundance.

Psalm 66:12 the location of abundance that my son and I were given when we returned from Australia. No coincidence then that a huge amount of spiritual blessings were bestowed upon yours truly in this location, not just in a financial return, but in many different realities. 

Do you remember the historical case of the Match Girls in 1888? It just goes to show that girls, especially from London can make a powerful difference to defend the love. It is an historical inheritance that we defend, we defend the love.

Those Quakers and Salvation Army were not as kind as many people thought they were, were they?

The children that sold matches on the streets of London, 'child labour, child slavery', have the corporations changed since? How many corporations pay more tax than the people?

Not likely, salaries in real terms haven't increased since the late 80's and at the same time the costs of living have soared. Bryant and May, and the Swedish company got very rich on the backs of the poor didn't they? Shall it be allowed to continue, or shall we call the Christians to account and to be responsible for their deeds? 

For as it is foretold in scripture, it shall be those that are inside the Church that shall be judged and that included the Quakers. Do you know what was said to yours truly at the Quakers House locally? 

Are you Jewish, are you clairvoyant? Who asked, who wished to know?  A member of Amnesty International. 

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