
Friday 5 February 2016

Morocco Solar Power

Africa launch their first solar powered bus - and are looking for partners to work with them for mass production in Africa, that is great news for Uganda.

Morocco announces the opening of what they have said is the world's largest solar powered energy plant. The only thing is the World Bank was one of the investors, and Morocco as also been showing its military might. The world bank only have one interest and that's in the status quo. I don't think that Morocco will be giving that sunshine energy to Moroccans for free - do you?

Getting off the grid means leaving the corporations behind, not building new corporations to replace the old ones, with the same cost to the receiver of the energy. We've seen it in many different industries, new technology comes in, costs of delivery decrease, and prices to the customers soar.

That's a good ride for the world bank and the other investors in it - isn't it? Not surprising then that they require an army in Morocco. The people are waking up to the fact that the rich are getting richer on the backs of the poor. Sunshine is given freely - so what does the ancient text say about that?

'Freely you have received, freely give'. Matthew 10:8.

'Good will comes to those that are generous, and lend freely; their children will be a blessing'. Psalm 37:26 You don't find financial investors giving freely in the world bank. Psalm 112:5.

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