
Tuesday 9 February 2016


Were you given a mat? In the book of Samuel it mentions David's invitation, eating and drinking. Uriah and sleeping on the mat.

Then there is a record of the Son of Man having the authority to forgive, 'I tell you, get up, and take your mat and go home. He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all. This amazed everyone and they praised God, saying, 'We have never seen anything like this!". 

In the book of Mark, 'They ran throughout that whole region and carried the sick on mats to wherever they heard he was'. As we know Muslims pray on prayer mats with their heads on the ground, so what does that say about them when you refer to the scriptures about the mats?

You can be given the mat in different realities, you can be given the flying carpet on a spiritual level and in my experience that comes after you have made peace with yourself. However, the flying carpet is sat on and you have to hold on to it during the journey and it takes you to many different locations to enjoy.

Then there is the rug or mat you wear and that can come into your life when you have been forgiven.

It is true that when you wear it people are amazed. I remember when youngsters would come up to me in the street and ask where did you get that? It was a particular timeline when I was compelled to wear a cream rug with my riding pants - and there is a photograph of me wearing it in 2010, although I bought it much earlier than that because the soft rug was great to wear when travelling.

Then there might be a time in your life when you inherit a carpet - and it can take more than one person to carry it. So there are different realities to do with mats and carpets and the significance.

Also interesting that adult children can also bring home a mat - and its interesting where they put it. My son put his crimson mat in the kitchen in front of the oven, looking back in hindsight it was symbolic. As he was responsible for me having to get a new oven.

The time came in his life, when he picked up his mat that his computer chair had been on, and brought that mat home, he put it in front of the oven, it meant that he had been healed of what he was being asked to heal. The burgundy mat is under my feet every time I go into the kitchen.

So in the teachings of Jesus as written in scripture - the mat is to do with healing and forgiveness. In the book of John the Jewish leaders, forbid the man who had been healed to carry his mat on the sabbath because they said that the law forbid it. John 5:10

That chapter tells you that it was because Jesus was giving people healing that he was 'persecuted', and as he said, the workers are few. So then you can appreciate why so many members of the Churches stood against the Reiki healers and complimentary medicine therapists.

It goes right back to the 'persecution' of Jesus himself for his healing disciplines, talents and skills. Its no coincidence then that its a noble task I was given to defend the spiritual when the church were campaigning against the mystical healers. The greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes. Zion defends in the power of magnanimous love.

Neither is it a coincidence that it was when I was given the flying carpet that I was sharing a lot with people about healing and forgiveness, that is when I was teaching professionally. Not only to people with spiritual, healing and health interests but also to underprivileged families at Sure Start.

In fact, in the manuscript that I wrote in 1998-9, it includes forgiveness and the importance of it in helping people to make the breakthroughs. Although it was a spiritual elder and workshop leader that first helped me to navigate that healing process in the mid 90's, with the 'inner child' on his workshop.

I was enabled to go right back into the womb, and also to put myself into the shoes of my mother and see life situations through her eyes. Did the inner child work transform you and enable you to work in self-disclosure?

After that I was able to work with my inner child for many years, I had been given the technique, I understood the discipline and integrated it fully. Years prior to helping others with it. Remember Jesus said that you have to become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven and there are many wonderful heavens to experience on the spiritual journey.

The first heaven is the happiness within, and in the Gospel of Thomas mentions the word 'Happiness' more than any other. After I did Reiki healing first level I was floating on air, with a constant smile on my face, I'd seen the light. Wonderland opened up before me and what I saw with my eyes wide open was incredible.

The natural clairvoyant was most impressed, these were healing disciplines that I knew in my heart was a powerful way forward. I had stepped on the path of healing, the highway of holiness, the path of enlightenment and peace. It was such a huge celebration in my heart and soul, I had found what worked.

Its one thing to know of the principles of the teaching that Jesus taught as written in the bible, its quite something else, to enable it, live it, and integrate it fully.  So many times you can find in your life that you are brought to it again and again, in different life circumstances, for integration on higher and higher levels.

 'The depth of your forgiveness determines the depth of your love' from Sacred Words.

Remember this that the Spirit of God gave us power, love and discipline. 'The seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop'. Luke 8:15. 

When you meet people its easy to see who put the effort in, who received the seed on good soil, and whose hearts are good and noble, who heard the word, who retained it, who was preserving and who produced a crop. A return on the investment that Jesus was hoping for, as he said recently, 'The light has come at an incredible rate'.

'The noble make noble plans, and by noble deeds they stand'. Isaiah 32:8

2016 is certainly a year for noble tasks.

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