
Saturday 27 February 2016

LEAP DAY - 29th February 2016

On the 29th of February it is Leap Day, also known as an intercalary year or a bissextile year. It contains one additional day added to keep the calendar year synchronized with the the astronomical or seasonal year. The Jewish sages believe that a leap year gives you extra power and more power than other years. So you can reflect upon what happened during your lives in a leap year.

So for instance, in 1996, my business soared with two different companies, one foot still in my traditional marketing business, the other foot in spirituality helping spiritual people to become more professional in their presentations. This was serious spirituality, wisdom had arrived to help them.

That was the year that Peter Warnock, Reiki healing, (and Aromatherapy Massage) and Peter Clifford, 'Inner Child' healing and I began to work together with Grace. Where two or more healers are are working together there I shall be. It certainly came to be.

Launch of the new company, on the radio all over the region. Promoting complimentary medicine, therapists, products and services. Massive marketing, PR and promotional campaigns for MIND, Body and Soul exhibitions, working with Julie Saunders, including exhibiting in the UK.

International phone service for providing clairvoyant readings to those that required the divine guidance. Spirituality was soaring and an incredible amount of spiritual experiences were received. I was catapulted spiritually into a completely different realm of being.

I was working three evenings a week giving divine guidance, five days a week in and out of the office, and I was working two-three weekends a month too. I just kept on going.

2000, I qualified as a Reiki Master Teacher, after that I received the meditation of the heart divinely. Hence it was an increase in spiritual power for healing purposes and after that the divine mother workshops were originated.

In 2004, it was the second harmonic concordance, and in that year I trained some Reiki Master Teachers and delivered more miracles.  I was still teaching Reiki first and second degree, past life healing and ascension.

Continued to deliver some powerful divine teachings distributed around the world, to help people with their ascension. We were still in the Rev 12 timeline of the wondrous woman from heaven with the moon under her feet, and a tremendous amount happened in spirituality.

2004, honoured as a love ambassador in America, and a radical sage. That was also the year that authors from Portugal got in contact in respect of what happened at Fatima, in Portugal.

Biblical prophecies and other prophecies also became a lot more important and had to be reviewed, revealed and unveiled. If my memory serves me correctly, that was also the year that the 'Free Hugs' campaign was catapulted around the world, after it was networked by an Australian living in Queensland. An Italian picked it after the information was sent out and the 'Free Hugs' campaign ran in over 30 cities in Italy. We then witnessed a mass of people around the world getting involved in it.

We also had the spiritual freedom campaign to defend the complimentary medicine therapists and healers. Zion defends magnanimously. A lot of work was being done on-line during that timeline as Julie had asked for help with a new health forum in 2000. The health and spirituality forum soared with our presence, and it grew from having just 12 members to having 98 forums. The wondrous woman had arrived on-line in spirituality to help catapult it.

Fundraising for MS Society was also happening around that time, sometimes I wonder how did I fit it all in. Helping charities, running businesses, helping other businesses to prosper, bringing up my son, and I still managed to have a social life. Once a worker, always a worker and as Jesus said, the workers are few. He was talking about his healers, his holy family, his charitable, his merciful, his lovely people in compassionate action to help humanity.

Painting gifted and sent to an American

In 2008, I was sent to America to assist the Americans and to warn the Americans about Obama, presence felt in the truth movement, Micah 4 had begun and the threshing continued. Divinely given important messages for America, visions and a lot more. It was incredibly intense, the intensity was full-on, 24-7.

In 2012, there was another miracle for the health of a person and I began to spread the paint.

'Extraordinary women do extraordinary things'. 

Painting had become all powerful in my life, for healing purposes and for being prophetic art. The scientists have now proven that art is healing, the colour in our lives. What else happened that year?

The power of healing foods became a very strong aspect of my healing work, and developing recipes and menus for individual health conditions. A focus on dream interpretation also became a lot more important as far as events are concerned. The flame of Joseph dream interpretation.

So review your life since 1996, how powerful was it for you every leap year?  What did it bring you and what did you manifest? How did you help others?

If I go back four years earlier, to 1992, that is when I began delivering divine guidance clairvoyantly at exhibitions at the weekends. I had no choice but to accept life circumstances, my natural abilities  - that catapulted yours truly into a reality to help souls to comprehend their lives professionally, what, why, and to show the people the path most appropriate for them. All her paths are peaceful. People began to come on recommendations and the word quickly spread.

2016 has arrived another leap year. The 29th February, is the 'Day of Eternal Youth'. In my own life cycle I am also in a year of spiritual transformation, an eight year. So I can anticipate that what has been achieved in the last eight years, and the last four years, can manifest its fuller results this year, and I certainly look forward with hope for the spiritual transformation of my own life and community.

In this video the Jewish sage said the Jewish people are ruled by the moon? How can that be if every sign as the moon in their birth chart? How can that be when it is Islam that has the moon as their symbol? Some Jewish people do have Islam and its moon under its feet, big smiles!

Maybe some Jewish people and other people have their north nodes and soul journey ruled by a moon sign. That is for them to know, you know what year you were born, and all about your birth chart, how much do you really about yourself and your life cycle that you are currently in planetary wise?

We all have a sun sign and mine is Aquarius, the humanitarian water bearer. We all have an ascendent sign and mine is Saggi the traveller. Hence, long distance travel came into my life after the age of 40, it was pre-destination and foretold.

As Nostradamus predicted, the Iris would be seen every day after the age of 40, it indicated a great new timeline for flower power and the leaves for healing the nations.

A year for the diminishing of the Islamic moon, in many different realities. Divine intervention impacting upon what has been 'destroying and dismantling' our cultures. The arising of the solar power of Pegida in Europe, together hand in hand, side by side in the power of love beyond measure.

Our solar power is righteous and we have ace cards in our hands. Remember the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights Article 19 of freedom of speech that was shared with you. I think we will be citing it again and again, magnanimously of course.

Remember the ecological solar power, and ask how ecological is that every time they go for planning permission for something. Keep your eye on property developers, and what they're up to. Keep your eye on the local councils and county councils and what they're up to. Get involved locally, act locally, impact globally. Call for more affordable social housing, and social justice, until the people integrate it fully.

In defence of the poor, the elderly, women and children, arise, united in our hearts of love and its power in integrity of the heart. For in integrity there is courage, there is boldness, there is true peace and enlightenment.

The men in the video with beards below are OK, let them have their reality if that is what they like to have, they are a tiny minority and Israel has some truly incredible spiritual people that are beyond them.

Divine intervention as been for the Jewish people and everyone else that is into preservation of our cultures. That Jewish sage he even came to visit me, when I was in Israel in 2007, funny that his visit came on a solar eclipse. He was very happy with me, and he said that women and children will listen to you with a big smile on his face.

Its the Cusp of the Great Age with the Sun in Pisces.

How happy am I, my Venus is in Pisces.

How happy am I for the fishes that leap as dolphins and whales.

How happy am I for my peaceful Piscean friends, once met, never forgotten.


Joe and Jake have won the opportunity to represent England in the Eurovision song contest.

Congratulations to the young musicians and their song.

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