
Saturday 20 February 2016

KATE Young Minds

What does Kate know about anything? She has a two year old and nine month old baby, and she supports Young Minds that support children being given pharmaceuticals.

Young Minds

Dr Peter Breggin

Challenging IAPT CBT and Cameron's 'fascist dictatorship'. 

'Health as now become a big financial institution in the UK, and IAPT CBT support the pharmaceutical industry that most activists stand against. Its the pharmaceutical industry, the corporations, in bed with CBT against the people themselves and their very souls. Interesting that Jesus pre-warned about it and it is written in the texts. Prophet Isaiah also warned about people making all the fields one.'  Prophet Isaiah was fully aware of the consequences because he had a comprehension of consciousness and what a 'NWO' would do to it.

Where did the CBT philosophy come from? Alan Beck, Philadelphia, America. 

Why is the UK allowing so many Americans to impact on children of a different culture to America? Why are children being judged upon how America judges its children? What do people and families in the UK have in common with American families? Children are unique and children in different cultures do differ. In the UK we've been kicking out American food from our schools.

Perhaps we should consider seriously what other impact the American culture has had on the health of the children in our nations. Do you know that over 20 million children in America were put on pharmaceuticals, and big pharma began to do it with British children. This woman is against praising children, seriously.

This American Professor Carol Dweck thinks that intelligence is the intellect. When cutting edge scientists have proven that intelligence comes from the heart. The heart of intelligence, even the Ancient Egyptians knew that - hence why, they kept the heart after the passing and threw the brain away.

TTIP NHS Corporation

Dr John Bergman - 'Neurological Damage'

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