
Thursday 18 February 2016

IPD Prevention

When I saw what was happening to a disabled teenager in the UK by the pen pushers from DWP splashed on the front page of the newspaper today, it touched my heart deeply, the 'indignity' of the 'seriously disabled' having to suffer work assessments to prove what their doctors and parents say they are. IPD had impacted upon his hands and feet.

Its also a double whammy because the medics are pushing parents to vaccinate against IPD.

The thing is when they vaccinate - the memories transport into a different health condition. So in all health conditions we have to work with the root cause of it to locate what happened and why.

IPD impacts on babies and the very young, on the elderly and people with 'no spleen, a non-functioning spleen and it can even happen to people with a 'weak spleen' if they have an 'impaired immunity' due to other chronic health conditions.

'Trauma' experienced due to the birth process can trigger it - and it can be found if and when there is a genetic inheritance of high blood pressure in the family that has shape shifted into the spleen to weaken it.

Of course if there is a history of a member of your family that had 'pneumonia' it can also indicate that you should be very aware of what could have been transported to you in memories that have been passed on in the family line that could've been a contributory factor to the co-creation of your weak spleen.

So for instance, in our family line it came from the grandmother who had 'pneumonia' that co-created a serious heart condition when she was a child, and it really manifested when she was around the age of 14. In those days they didn't allow women with a serious heart condition to have children, and she was only allowed to have one child. She had two heart attacks while giving birth to her daughter on a bed of ice. Her doctor went on to become a professor in heart surgery.

Memories transported to her daughter manifested in the triggering of HBP, when she was bereaved of her husband following the 'trauma' that she and her husband had encountered in London during the time of Wapping in the 80's. The Son of Joseph was working for Times Newspapers at the time.

My blood pressure as always been normal, and I think that the power of healing that I've been involved in since the 90's as been a huge benefit in ensuring that I didn't get HBP.

Although different health conditions manifested during the menopause and after I was traumatised while bereaved in 2011, - and that includes blood vessels exploding in my body. That trauma and event is mentioned in Psalm 66, and my lips promised, and my mouth spoke. I was quick to testify against those that were creating the 'trauma' and called them out, I was bold, courageous, and not afraid to speak.

They asked me what was going to happen next, I told them that the floods will come next. It was during that eclipse that Queensland was flooded. They then asked me if there was going to be another war and where, I replied Yes, Libya. We all know what happened after that and what the politicians have created with Obama.

The spleen meridian also impacts on the nourishment of the eyes and if a person wears glasses it can indicate that they had a weak spleen since childhood due to the birth process.

Some people say that blue eyes are weaker than brown eyes, although with IPD it is not dependent on the colour of your eyes.

The spleen is also about 'Identity' and 'Who am I', and in 2013, I wrote how it can often be felt by Asian children that have moved abroad, and children from a mixed marriage. Its about their roots, and their sacral levels of consciousness that impacts on their spine and its fluids. Its about orphans too, and it also impacts on the identity of the orphans due to their roots.

Another reason why the elderly can get it, the Dutch health workers in Holland, shared that the older they get, they often ask where their parents are. The connection between birth and bereavement is huge and much bigger than most people comprehend - due to both birth and bereavement impacting upon the immunity of the body.

As soon as a baby is born, mother and baby should be given a rescue flower essence remedy, taken orally immediately, and as soon as the baby is ready it can be massaged with some Bergamot in massage oil or coconut oil, just a couple of drops to begin with. I would also recommend some lavender prior to and after every operative procedure and giving birth is operative. Its one of the biggest operations that a woman can experience, and it often impacts on the health on the woman in the long term. Another reason why healing is essential.

I remember one of the mum's that I worked with at Sure Start who had done a Reiki healing training course with yours truly, and she said it was the best of her six pregnancies. She had given herself and her baby Reiki during her pregnancy and throughout the birth of the baby.

The mum was so happy, and I was happy for her. Although I said, to her that's wonderful, now no more babies. Big smiles, children are for life and mum's always have a connection with their children, overseer of their souls.


That's why parents know, that's why mothers know, I could hear my baby crying in the maternity nursery full of babies, I knew that was my babies cry. So I went to get him and bring him to lay upon my heart and feed him. Two hearts beating as one. It would be interesting to know how many children that had IPD were breast fed, as breast feeding is very empowering for their immune systems, especially in the first 3-6 months.

My breast milk was a high quality, and my surplus breast milk was given to other babies, babies that had been born premature while I was in maternity, I wonder where those lovely babies are now, as they will all be 33 years old. My healthy milk given to strengthen their immunity.

During my pregnancy, I could only eat healthy foods and my body couldn't take any spices while I was pregnant. I ate Chicken, fish, and a lot of fresh salads, and I couldn't stop eating oranges. I also had my home made chicken liver pate that is a real superfood.

In 2015 while drinking a lovely home-made pomegranate smoothie and thinking about a mid-wife that was about to have surgery, the heavenly Father spoke and he said, BERGAMOT. Bergamot healing, aromatherapy oil is for the liver, spleen and skin.

There are different types of bergamot there is the Bergamot Orange, which is a cross with a lemon, Italian in origin, so the elderly and children can be given this fruit in smoothies. There is the herb, or wild bergamot from the mint family. It is also available in a flower essence remedy.

The elderly can also be given tailor-made menus to strengthen their spleens with healing foods, as can children. Chinese doctors are excellent at identifying 'weak spleens' when people go for some acupuncture in the UK.

Bergamot is for healing it is also for prevention and defence. Another reason why it was given prior to a woman having surgery for her to have with healing hands, and afterwards.

Its no coincidence that in that song the video ends with the two male children and the numeric of 96, then this blog post as the timing of 96. That was certainly a powerful year in my life on a spiritual level being with all the other healers and touring together.

The love we shared was glorious, it was in that timeline that I was involved in 'Inner Child Healing', and I also began the journey with Reiki, two powerful healers had been brought into my life, when I arrived on the circuit. The Galilee of the Gentiles after my son was born.

An elder and a younger, both with the name Peter and in scripture Jesus said that he would build his community on Peter. Peter the younger brought his aromatherapy oils, massage and Reiki. Peter the elder brought his 'Inner Child healing work', 'Spiritual healing', 'Sun essence, flower essences' and 'crystal bowls', and it is written the leaves are for healing the nations.

One of the healers became a thousand in our presence - in our healing hands prophecy was fulfilled.

United in our hearts of love we stood and noble deeds stand.

'He has helped his servant Israel remembering to be merciful. To Abraham and his descendants forever, just as he promised our ancestors'. Luke 54-55

Angelic children dream

1 comment:

  1. Did Kate vaccinate her children?
