
Sunday 7 February 2016

Happiness, Joy, SURE START

This year my son said that he 'won't worry, until a billion people leave the planet'. Then this week a mother on-line shared that her seven year old son said, 'I don't have to worry'. That reminds me of a manuscript that I wrote in 1998/9, it was titled, 'Don't Worry, Be Happy!'

In the 90's, my clients asked me to write for them about my life, and how I made my breakthroughs. So when the opportunity was given to go away to another country, giving me the time and space to write it, I did. I wrote it while I was in Australia.

Reviewing what the mother of the child said. Then reminds us of the teachings of Jesus in scripture, when he shared with his followers about the importance of not 'worrying'. Matthew 6:25-34.

'Can any one of you by worrying, add a single day to your life?'.

While I was a consultant to Sure Start in the UK, commissioned to work with the families, they were each given a copy of that manuscript, and the meditations of the heart that had been recorded of my voice. The parents were given a lifetime of my experience and expertise, skills and talents; to help them with their journey.

This mother invested in, and spent many years investigating what works in the healing process naturally. I was fortunate to be able to afford to work with some of the very best healers and spiritual elders locally, and to represent some of the best to push their work forward into the communities that required it.

So when the time came to share it, this consultant was able to give the families the very best I could, I proposed the budget, what was required, what would be included, and how it would be implemented, the very best new empowerment model possible. Everything was explained, including why we were doing what we were doing, and the importance of it for their health.

The manuscript in self-disclosure, helped the parents to see how they could relate situations and life circumstances in their own lives, so that they too could make their own breakthroughs and learn from it.

The six month commission at Sure Start was a stunning success and they did make huge breakthroughs, the families were appreciative, they knew that they had been blessed with an incredible opportunity, to work with an advanced spiritual teacher that had a lot to offer them for their growth. They were so happy and excited by the work that we shared.

Not only that - but they were given the methodology that included a two-day Reiki healing training course to continue with the healing after our work together had been completed. We celebrated in the joy of it together at the end - putting our healing hands on each other, giving the power of love to each other. The wonder of it - such a beautiful memory of us and our sharing together.

This meant that at the end of the six-months they didn't just have books and CD's, and to remember our work together, they were also certificated as healers and to give healing to their children, families and communities. The new empowerment model became their own, and its light lit up the community with the power of their love, their love had been liberated.

They were also given the opportunity to receive regular Aromatherapy, Kinesiology, and Reiki healing treatments during the six months that we were working together. We gave the families what they couldn't afford, and what was not available on the NHS.

We gave the families, a higher reality to work with their healing of consciousness. In addition, to the self-development work that we did together. Together, hand in hand, side by side, in equality, we liberated the love, they received divine training.

This painting was gifted to a local reflexologist and reflexology is an excellent ancient therapy. 

The children in my care at Sure Start were also given flower essence remedies as required, and my attention was given to their children on their request. It was an outpouring of love upon those families that I was blessed to work with and help, their hearts blossomed in the power of this love.

The New Empowerment model was designed especially for those underprivileged families, so that they may experience and live the life in the wonder of healing and its blessings in abundance.

During that timeline, I was also commissioned to provide monthly training modules for the health and education workers, and partners that were working within and outside of Sure Start. One of the people that attended one of those training models was the head of nursing for Suffolk, truly, a wonderful lady that appreciated the cutting edge science and biology, that was being presented with the new empowerment model activity.

We also had the support of a child psychologist that was working with schools in the region. He loved what had been given to the families, and he shared how it had helped him to make an incredible breakthrough with is own health.

When I heard that he was encountering a serious health condition, a copy of the manuscript and healing meditation CD was given to him for his health and healing. He also shared afterwards, that he had made an amazing recovery, and had gone for some Reiki as well. It was a miracle, the child psychologist said, that what I had written had saved his life.

Remember this, IAPT CBT can't provide you with miracles, can they? Suicide rates are soaring since the implementation of CBT by DWP and the NHS. People cannot be manufactured, it is not a conveyor belt, people are not a stat.

You have to give families and parents your heart of love, each and every person is unique, each have their own life story, and case history, you have to defend the parents and children from what DWP are doing to our communities.

Its not just about the work being delivered, it is also about the power of the healer that is delivering it hands on. For the Spirit of God gave us power, love and discipline, healing disciplines.

I agree with Dr Ursula Anderson that the extent of the suffering of children relates to the extent of the suffering of their parents. I also agree with Ursula on energy medicine.

I also agree with Peter Clifford, that even Buddhist monks require healing.

Not just parents, and Buddhist monks, but also health and education workers that are working in the NHS and education. Professor Pope in Australia and I agreed that self-development should be involved in every educational process.

This consultant and human rights activist does not agree with austerity measures or the suffering being inflicted upon the families in this country, in the long run, it will cost the nation a much higher amount, than DWP think they're saving. How many disabled people have to die at the hands of DWP and the NHS before the people will wake up and be compelled into compassionate action?

Cameron and his entourage should be removed from office immediately for the 'crimes against humanity'. How humane are they, do you know? Did you know Cameron's entourage cut the number of Sure Start's. They cut the budgets of vital services at the same time as giving the corporations tax breaks.

Sure Start is one of the most wonderful facilities that has been provided for parents and children in the UK. Although only a small group of parents were given the budget to have the high quality work that was delivered to them by yours truly. It was a pilot study, that proved that wisdom was correct.

Much more investment must go into Sure Start and helping the families with their health, holistically, and GP's must engage with providing clinics that provide complimentary therapies at the earliest opportunity. Otherwise, health budgets must be given to individual, experienced CM therapists to provide the holistic care, and tender loving care, that these families cannot afford to pay for.

We have existing healing centres throughout the country, with highly qualified therapists. All they require is the budgets and financial assistance provided to them.

What humanity requires is intensive healing and facilities whereby the people can heal together in harmonious respect for each other. If you wish for the streets to be safe, then you have to invest in the children of the nations and their parents. The children must also be given their own bedrooms back, the children must be allowed to have their own sanctuary of peace.

In America, the equivalent of Sure Start is called, 'Head Start' and it is being defended by Bernie Sanders (USA).

When my son was a child, I knew how parents could be very influential in a child's life, and especially on their direction in life, as I was fully aware of the influence that my own parents had, until I made decisions for myself.

I made sure that my son knew that happiness was essential for health and that his happiness was most important to his mum. That his mum didn't mind what he did for a living, as long as he was happy doing it. My son knew that his mum would not measure his success upon academic qualifications, whether he had a relationship, or how much money he had.

He knew that the measure of his mum and the standard was higher than that, he knew how successful his mum had been during her life, in business and in health in providing for him. Single-parenting is not the ideal, it is not an ideal situation whereby a mother has to work and bring up a child, or children, keep house and do everything for the children. When my mother went to work it was through choice not necessity, or because politicians were forcing her to do so against her will.

My son was involved in making sure that parents put children first. For how can people truly know children or counsel children, if they are still to have a child themselves? How many people working in health with families, have healed their inner child, and re-parented their inner child?

I remember when my son was around 6 years old and he was counselling another child that he was with. The child was asking him what to do about having two different dads, my son responded that you have to love the one that you are with. I smiled at his response, at a child so young giving his seeds of love. I thought, what a marvel he is while peeping around the door to see what the children were up to. The children were discussing what mattered to them in my office.

For a male child grows to be a man, a protector. A man has responsibility for his wife and children if he is blessed to be married and have children.  What seeds of love did you give to your children, and what seeds of love did they give to you? What love did you pour upon your community?

If I ever got cross with my son when he was teenager, he would say, 'You should read your book', and then we would both burst out laughing, he knew how to handle his mum and still does.

A man works for a long time during his lifetime, some work until they leave the planet. Hence, happiness is not only important, it is essential for their heart and souls.

Truly, a happy child will always be a happy adult. A happy child will always find happiness in life and it is up to a parent/s, to share with a child what happiness is. For true happiness is not outside of the self, it is within. Happiness within is the first heaven and 'Children are the supreme joy of human life', (Sacred Words) is true. Children are sacred to this mother of life - and it is often the case that a child will come out with sacred words that have been spoken.

Painting gifted to the child. 

I shared a few years ago of how Jesus spoke of the joy, and he put the joy into my hands, it was a large ball of golden energy. How he spoke of there being plenty of joy for everyone. After that a young English child was brought to me from Portugal, a beautiful golden child that I held in my healing hands.

Truly a joy to behold and heaven sent.

So how is it then, that the pension as been removed, from such a person that has made such a large contribution to help the people in this country, and other countries. Does it remind you of the story of Mary Seacole?

Can you liberate the love of families Mr Cameron? How about you Iain Duncan-Smith?

Who said, I shall not leave you as orphans, do you know?

Did you defend the families in the power of magnanimous love?

For the greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes.

When working with families, I gave those families my heart of love, of compassionate action and mercy. Divine love in manifestation on the earth plane. This advocate gave them everything they required to prosper, and anything that they asked for.  They had their boundaries in place, they had discipline, and they respected my boundaries, harmoniously.

Mandala gifted 

I just received an email from my Asperger's friend, he said, that's too long to read. Bless him.

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