
Friday 5 February 2016

French Food News

'France becomes the first country in the world to ban supermarkets from throwing away unsold food and force them to donate it to charities'.

'I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you'. John 14:18

I must admit I didn't like Paris very much when I took my mother to a location that she loved. I just didn't like the energy of Paris, must be past life. How many children take their parents on holiday and pay for it? How compassionate, merciful and giving were you to your parents during your lives?

I agree with Dr Ursula Anderson, to help the children, you have to help the parents. As her website says, 'A journey through time, and beyond the genome, to energy, the medicine of the future'.

The power of healing foods as been proven, tailored made menus to meet the requirements of the individual, depending upon their budget and health requirements. People and children also require more of different foods in different ages, and this must be looked at seriously. What the French are doing with food is noted, although they also have to look at what they eat.

Humanity have to move beyond the 'survival of poverty' for humanity to prosper. For how humane are the rich? Are they more humane than Mother Duck in Western Australia?

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