
Monday 29 February 2016


I went to settle down for the night into bed, and I had another dream and it was the end of a recurring dream of a journey shared with the same blonde woman with short blonde wavy hair.

The woman was dressed in grey, a paramedic uniform like they used to wear in the UK, and she had a European accent, although she spoke good English. She was very sad that I was leaving, and we were talking as we were walking along together. We had shared so much on the journey together - and she was like a Ukrainian.

I held her in my arms and hugged her and I said to her, 'Remember in our hearts we are united'.

'Whatever happens to your country and people, we are united in our hearts'.

As we know a paramedic is a person that rescues people - and clearly we had been doing that work together, hand in hand, side by side in the front line.

The dream then changed and I was in a large gorge like you see in films of America. It was daylight, and there were large mountains either side and I was walking on large boulders with a woman who has the name of Amanda. She was questioning me about relationships, and what I was doing about it. I told her that 'it was the least of my concerns, with everything that is going on.' 'If the LORD wished for me to be in relationship then he would bring the man that he wished for me to be with.'  

After that there was another change in the dream, what I call a different cameo. And we were on what looked like a bridge and she had started to talk about suitability. When all of a sudden some men were coming towards us on the bridge and they looked happy to see us.

Amanda knew the man and he had met her before. So she was very pleased to see him and welcomed him; the name that she spoke was 'Doug Fisher'. He was an attractive man, in his 50's, he had longish brown-black coloured hair and some facial hair, and the men that he came with shared the same interests in science and consciousness, he had gained a following for his work.

Its many years ago now since I spoke at a Science and Consciousness conference with doctors from the medical profession - and the meeting did remind me of that, people that were involved in the doctor-healer network in the UK. It was at that conference that I presented the work that I had designed and implemented for Sure Start.

The people at the conference were most impressed with the presentation and results. I was blessed with permission to show them a copy of the original artwork, in one of the cases, and the transformation that a mum made in that one session was remarkable. Truly the work had been blessed with miracles.

This week it has been in the news that children's centres are being closed down in the UK and mums are doing their utmost to defend them to keep those centres open for their children.

The name 'Doug Fisher' can be found in the UK in photography and also in specialist Antiques in London. The name 'Fisher' is interesting if we view it in relation with what is going on planetary wise with the Sun being in Pisces, the two fishes swimming in harmony together.

Also my Venus is in Pisces and it is powerfully compassionate and charitable in its actions. I view this dream as directional and instructional in spirituality in this year of 2016. Its important that I am with people that have the same spiritual interests now.

The Cusp of the Great Age

Dreams can manifest in many different realities, and I too was sad to leave the blonde working woman, although I didn't have a choice, I had to move on from the rescue work. You can only rescue so many people and souls in a lifetime with the experience that you have - and the time that is allowed for it in different realities. From individuals, to groups, to nations, divine intervention.

In dream interpretation if there is a bridge in your dream it can relate to prosperity, and if people are coming towards you on that bridge, it can mean that they are bringing their prosperity towards you and where you are. I also view the bridge as a bridge of peace if I review it in where it began, like a bridge over what is underneath. It was like the English coming together and uniting to move forward together.

1 comment:

  1. An event in Mosco with an Islamic babysitter carrying the head of a child down the road. Some people are involved in rescue of people, and some do the opposite. No surprise then that the news was shared on an American news feed.

    MOSCOW — A babysitter killed a child in her care and set fire to a Moscow apartment on Monday, according to law enforcement officials.

    It reminds me of a message that I shared with an American in 2013 concerning Moscow.
