
Sunday 28 February 2016

Costa, Caffe Nero, Starbucks Coffee Shops

By choice, I wouldn't eat in any of those coffee shops. I never have like chain eateries, although I did used to like to go to Pizza Express as it reminded me when I lived in London. When my son was a child I used to take him to a one-off, privately owned Italian Pizza Restaurant in support of the families efforts and the location. I liked my son to get used to eating out when he was a baby and I knew that the Italians welcomed children and babies. I used to take him regularly on a Sunday and we would go for a walk in the park.

The Telegraph newspaper on line have shared a story about the quality of the food at those coffee shops and how there is a very high salt content in what those coffee shops are providing.

Not only that but those chains are very expensive for what you get. Even if the poor could afford it, I wouldn't recommend those coffee shops due to the quality of what they serve. Wake up franchisors, people like uniqueness, people like individuality. Locals like to know who owns it, people like to have good quality, and service at a reasonable cost.

Locals don't wish to pay London prices when they live in the countryside. When will the local councils, and county councils get the message? Rents and rates are far too high.

I can see another reason why I had that dream about sitting on the bench behind the art gallery on an historic site. An important aspect of our culture and history, interesting that a doctor was also involved in the gallery, and she lived on the ground floor. Another Ruth and there is a great biblical story about Ruth and her uncle. Now its about preserving our cultures for our children and their children. Ruth was clearly interested in that!

In the 70's, 80's and 90's we were preserving and renovating our homes. After that it was preserving and regenerating our spirituality, and healing therapies. Then it was moving forward with ecological and healthy living. Now it is preserving and renovating our cultures, ensuring that the public and private sectors are as ecological and as healthy as possible; at the same time as retaining our historical cultures as much as we can and making sure that new developments are worthy of our people.

Our people in the countryside don't wish for our green land to be covered in concrete either. Property developers hands off our green farmland.

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