
Monday 1 February 2016


Child poverty is soaring in the UK and other European countries, in Greece some single-parent mothers had to give their children to a Christian charity because they could't afford to feed their children. Since that began, poverty as increased at an incredible pace.

In the meantime, David Miliband is proposing to give a million work permits to economic migrants, when they don't even have enough jobs for the millions of unemployed in European countries. Then there is the 4 million visits to food banks in the UK, the homeless that can't afford to live in social housing due to the high cost of it and they intend to increase the cost of it even higher.

A friend that bought her council flat, pays a quarter of what I am charged to rent a tiny space, and they intend to increase the cost of it even higher.

How does the removal of women's pensions that were born in the 1950's, impact on the children? 

Historically, grandparents have helped out their families in emergencies. However, how can a gran help their families when they don't have any pension to do so? So who can afford to help these families?

Maybe if the corporations like google and starbucks paid their taxes, there would be enough money to help the poor, who are in their situation due to the corporations implementation. I've heard people say that if you can't afford to feed a child, don't have them. Those people seem to forget that children are the future and backbone of a nation. Indigenous nation, not economic migrants.

Islam have invaded this country, with 3 million Muslims, 50% of which have been born abroad. Jesus was correct when he spoke in 2005 about the genocide of the Christians when Benedict was elected.

The second alert about 'cultural genocide' of Western nations was issued in 2007. I knew that I had to take action immediately, I was compelled to do so. However, some people didn't wish to hear it. There was an important reason why I continually asked people to turn their hearts to the children, their nations and future depend upon it.

In legal terms, child poverty is 'procurement of suicide', 'corporate manslaughter' and 'criminal negligence', its a 'crime against humanity'. Cultural genocide is also a 'crime against humanity'.

It really took the biscuit when I saw the child that mentioned how the migrants are slashing the boats in Greek waters.

Its a PR stunt to get more Muslims into Europe, some don't care whether they live or die. Its a different culture and Islam is not compatible with Western culture. As a woman that was nearly raped by a Muslim when I was in Israel, I do know what I am talking about from personal experience of it, and it happened more than once. Although the first time was more serious than the second, both times I was rescued. The LORD God rescues his mother of life - if and when required.

Children in Greece

It reminds me of Victorian times when children were left at the door of orphanages and women and children were put into workhouses etc. 

Children left at hospitals in Israel

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