
Sunday 31 January 2016

Terry Wogan RIP

Its the veteran radio DJ's passing over this week. First Ed 'Stewpot' Stewart that started his radio career on a pirate radio ship in the water between Holland and England. Now news is that the veteran broadcaster that was given a life achievement award, Terry Wogan as passed over age 77.

When he says goodbye, touching words from a man that dedicated his life to serving the community.

I still remember the days of radio clocks, and radios on the home, I remember his soft spoken Irish accent. I think he did more for relations between the Irish and the English than anyone else. He certainly knew how to bring people together, to unite for a charitable cause. The greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes is really appropriate for Terry Wogan. His work was more than just a broadcaster, his life and career was much broader than that. 

It was his sincerity and honesty in his voice, that became a voice of the nation. A natural entertainer, comedic and a great voice over. He was very easy to work with. Terry that couldn't even take the Eurovision song contest serious, when other nations in Europe did. Life, a glorious journey and adventure for Wogan. 

One of his classics with Parkinson, where they chat about the differences between men and women. He was old school - a real man that says that he took his wife with him to the golf course. 

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