
Monday 18 January 2016

STARMAN Constellation

News is that David Bowie has been given his own STARMAN constellation by Belgian astronomers and it sits in the vicinity of Mars.

As you can see it consists of seven stars that create the shape of the lightning bolt. However, seven stars are also mentioned in the book of Revelation. 

'The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand, and the seven golden lamp stands is this. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lamp stands are the seven churches'. Revelation 1:20 Rev 2:1 Rev 3:1

In the Essene Book of Revelation there is different information.

'The mystery of the seven stars which fill my hands,
and the seven golden candles, blazing with eternal light.
The seven stars are the Angels of the Heavenly Father,
And the seven stars are the Angels of the Earthy Mother.
And the spirit of man is the flame.
The streams between the starlight and the glowing candle;
A bridge of holy light between Heaven and Earth.

These things said he who held the seven stars in his hands,
Who walked within the flames of the seven golden candles.
He that has an ear, let him hear what the spirit said:
'To him that overcomes I will allow to eat from the tree of life,
That stands in the midst of the shining paradise of God'.

In 2010, I heard this Ziggy Stardust song and I shared the song that I kept hearing with a Peruvian woman that was living in America at the time.

13th January he gave his signature smell.

14th January, 2015 I received a Ziggy Stardust dream.

Proverbs 7 - the Liver - a kinsman, born on the land of Joseph of England.

'And when the south wind blows, you say, 'Its going to be hot', and it is'. Luke 12:55 'In the same way let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds, and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16 


On the 3rd January I shared about the Purim of the Curtains and that the curtains had been ordered on the 3rd November. Interesting that they arrived today, on the 18th, the same day that I was in court in January 2011, and I haven't driven a car since.

We know now scientifically what happened, and how loud bangs can impact on consciousness and change DNA. On the 20th September this information from Professor Ann Baldwin from the University of Arizona was shared on-line, due to the sheer importance of it. It takes us through some of the scientific evidence for Reiki, and in her presentation she shares the science about sound and how it impacts on DNA. It is written that David had a series of 'heart attacks' that began in 2004, what or who was he listening to?

During the presentation Professor Ann Baldwin mentions how the impact of noise can cause 'inflammation in the intestines', and 'blood vessels.' In her research she was able to establish that Reiki had the ability to decrease the impact of what happened.

However, when a person has experienced serious 'trauma', a person requires intensive care with more than one healer in the holistic team. Of course, it would help, if police didn't do what they did to begin with. Lazarus indeed. Also interesting that David was born in the year of the 'Fire Dog'. 

28th December I received the 'Stage' message.

The Starman constellation with the seven stars covers that eye that was punched when he was at school. What happened was so serious he had to go to Moorfield's Eye Hospital, truly it was divine intervention that he managed to keep his eye, and that his right eye would become such an important aspect of his personality.

Alas, at the end of the day, the medical profession had nothing to offer yours truly, nor could the medical professionals help David to live longer.

The NHS in the UK are not paying for the holistic team with the solutions. A blue tit arrived today - and the blue tit is about aromatherapy, my body requires deep holistic massage with Reiki and intensive care.

Last night I was also given the smell of perfumed soap, and my mum liked to be gifted with Christian Dior soaps. 

Congratulations to David on his everlasting memorial in the heavens, your very own constellation and the voice of a wonderful choir in Ontario with over 500 singers.

'The LORD has a day of vengeance, year of retribution,  to uphold Zion's cause'. Isaiah 34:8 

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