
Wednesday 13 January 2016

Security for a Stranger


"So the last will be first, and the first will be last'. Matthew 20:16 

'Take the garment of one who puts up security for a stranger; hold it in pledge it is done for an outsider'. Proverbs 20:16 

What greater security is there but love beyond measure? What greater love is there but one that offers refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name, trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you. Sing the praises of the LORD enthroned in Zion. Proclaim among the nations what he has done. He does not ignore the cries of the afflicted. Psalm 9, and 2016 adds up to 9. 9 the numeric of divine love in manifestation. 

1 comment:

  1. Isaiah 32:18 My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.

    Isaiah 44:7 Who then is like me? Let him proclaim it. Let him declare and lay out before me what has happened since I established my ancient people, and what is yet to come— yes, let them foretell what will come.

    Isaiah 51:4 “Listen to me, my people; hear me, my nation: Instruction will go out from me; my justice will become a light to the nations.

    Isaiah 52:6 Therefore my people will know my name; therefore in that day they will know that it is I who foretold it. Yes, it is I.”
