
Monday 18 January 2016

Pubs and Curry Houses Closing

With the closure of pubs as come the closure of the curry houses. It became a tradition in the UK for people to go out for a curry after the pub. As prices for food and drink began to soar, the more the pubs closed, the more the curry houses closed. Pubs and curry houses lived on people who could afford to go out every weekend.

With high taxes on booze, combined with the no-smoking ban, then co-created the high level of the closure of small business throughout the UK. Now those health and tax policy makers have impacted on the small business community, perhaps the politicians should be charged for it, as they are responsible for the closures. Many people can't afford to go out, even if they would like to go out, 7,000 pub closures since 2005, and 2,000 curry houses closed in the last five years.

Gone are the days when people would line up for their indian take-aways at the supermarkets as well.

I've noticed that there is not a lot on offer at Sainsbury's and often there is no one buying what they do have. Although the indian food that Sainsbury's offered never was much cop. I also think that immigration as had an impact, because a lot of those curry houses were bringing in people from abroad to work in them to get more Muslims British passports. I think the British have woken up, to the fact that they were funding it, although competition from Pizza Express and Nando's is mentioned in the news article. How comes, Pizza Express isn't new, its been operating in the UK for decades.

However, its the great British pub that people in the UK should be concerned about, as the great British pub is an important aspect of the historical British culture. The pub where people would meet up for a chat, the local community connecting together, sharing together, socialising together. The pubs were about community where you knew that if you went to a particular pub, you would see friends that you knew on particular nights. For some it wasn't about the drink, and more about the socialising.

In the meantime and Islamic MP says that she will tear Donald Trump apart in the debate on whether he should be allowed into the UK. Due to Donald Trump wishing to ban further Muslims entering America and building anymore mosques.

I certainly agree with Trump on that, I don't agree with the Muslim MP, or Jeremy Corbyn about how lovely London is. The last time I was in London was in 2008 to have lunch with a publisher, and I didn't recognise the place due to the indigenous population being totally outnumbered. It is truly about 'cultural genocide' of our nation, and people that began decades ago. Muslim billionaires own more of London than Elizabeth II does, how comfortable is that?

Full moon in Leo

Good job I've got the moon under my feet. 

Yea, that's right a lot of fire energy going on, Islam is setting fire to a lot of locations on the African continent.

Jeremy Corbyn thinks he can have a chat with them to come to a resolution. I suggest he reads the Qu'ran and wakes up. With the full moon in Leo you can anticipate some major moves from Obama and his Islamic followers, just like the Muslim MP in the UK saying that she will shred Donald Trump in a public debate in parliament.

I can smell perfumed soap and mum did like perfumed soap, reminds me of Paris, France and the perfume houses. Mum's drawing close, I get the feeling there is going to be another passing with someone that I know very soon.

The glory of freedom of speech, they can't tax you for talking can they.

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