
Wednesday 6 January 2016

NHS transcends politics

Now three previous health ministers are calling for a 'cross-party review for health and care', due to the continued crisis in the NHS and care outside of it. So what will cost, another commission, of health ministers and their academic policy advisors that didn't get it right in the last 100 years, so why do they think that they can get it right with another commission? They already know what they would like the outcome of their expensive commission to be, increased taxes.

What about devolution and London stop taking the money from the local community wealth and health, and for the local communities to make their own arrangements in their own communities. Surely, different regions and areas have different requirements - and it is not for London to make decisions for the regions specialists.

What should be happening is that those towns and cities that are engaging in devolution, should be thinking about how they wish to go forward with it. That includes engaging with the local community and how the existing services can be improved, what should be replaced, what should be got rid of, what is working, and what is not. Certainly closing local amenities is not the way forward, when people in the countryside without transport can't get home from A&E in the middle of the night.

That is just one example of what Conservative capitalism has brought to the national health service. They send women letters for services that patients didn't ask for, GP's charge £25 to write a letter on behalf of a patient. There is no aftercare service if you have an 'injury', there is no proper physical examinations being provided by GP's, they won't even remove your clean sock to examine your foot.

There have been NHS guidelines issued to GP's that GP's take no notice of because to send people with a long standing back issue will cost them money from their budget if they send you for an MRI scan as they've been told to so. Patients have numerous health conditions, and are not being sent to see the appropriate consultants. Then when you do get to see consultants, anyone that knows about health would sack the consultants that they were sent to see. Private contractors have been brought into the NHS, and the quality, and standard of some of those private contractors is 'diabolical'.

If we have to have private contractors in use, then leave them outside of the NHS, and stop thinking that the NHS can be all things for all people. At least then, the people will know who is a private contractor and who is not. More people would complain if they knew who was who, and who those private contractors in the NHS are.

Concentrate hospitals on emergency care and surgery and allow other services for health to be developed outside of the hospital reality. Services that can still be paid for by the community purse. Finally, get rid of the IAPT CBT American reality, that has brought more 'suicides' than I wish to count. In trying to cut costs, what David Cameron has actually done, is cost lives.

We have BUPA hospitals and services for back-up, so the NHS can pay for patients to go to BUPA, if and when the NHS does not or cannot respond quickly enough. People should not be in the position whereby they have waited over 18 months for an emergency appointment with a consultant at a London hospital.

My rant for the night.

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