
Thursday 7 January 2016

Low Blood Pressure

I had a lot of tears on News Year's Eve, and they started to come again today. So I've taken action compassionately. In the process of discussing diet a particular person requires a menu that includes foods that have specific strengths in helping people with low blood pressure.

To that list in the link, I would also add palm oil, hemp oil, and coconut oil, low blood pressure is about nutrients and making sure that the person has enough of the right nutrients; when and if they are fragile and physically weak due to other health conditions that can be impacting upon the person that is experiencing it.

Due to the mention of liver in the diet required for people with 'low blood pressure',  it could also indicate an iron deficiency. Interesting that I did get some liver before the winter holiday, lambs liver and chickens liver. I like homemade chicken liver pate with brandy and it is very economical to make. Home made smoked mackerel pate is also delicious.

The fish that I bought was mackerel and herring, rich in omega 3, as is the hemp oil. Oily fish essential along with your seeds. Pearly barley in soup and chicken casseroles. Carrot and coriander soup, celery soup and celery raw. Also pearly barley cooked in orange juice is incredibly empowering when a person is very weak physically, and having difficulty keeping food in. Squash and sweet potatoes are also ideal for the elderly. Make sure you have plenty of garlic for boosting the immune system.

What else? Diet link mentions cherries and I recommend morello cherries, lovely on a sponge flan with whipped cream. Or you can have the morello cherries on breakfast, and or on their own. The great thing about morello cherries is that you can have them all year round.

You could also have morello cherries with your porridge if you like to try it that way. What's important is that you enjoy your food that has the appropriate nutrients for specific health conditions that you might be encountering.

Its simply not enough for medics to say that you have to have your five a day. What people require are tailored menus, that suit their individual taste buds, and health requirements, at the same time as ensuring that specific health conditions are catered for.

If in any pain, I recommend fennel seeds particularly, you can also add sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds, melon seeds if you have any with breakfast. Omelettes with Basil, and egg deserts, for the vital body and plenty of fresh water. Scotch porridge oats ideal for breakfast.

Remember to have your Vit K from your brie cheese etc, Vit K is essential for assimilation of Vit C in the brain. Try to get some more oxygen to the brain, by putting your head lower than the rest of your body. I will update this post if I receive divine guidance on it, that is more than has been mentioned in the recommended menu link provided; in addition to what I have shared.

Aromatherapy Body massage, lymph node massage, reflexology and Reiki healing. Be very gentle with yourself, and self-nurture if you experience 'low blood pressure'. Oils I recommend, Lavender and Geranium, lavender can be massaged directly onto the body, lavender and geranium was given divinely.

Although Geranium as to go into some massage oil, and I like almond oil, you can put both of the oils together in the almond oil - absolutely wonderful for bathing, and also before rest. Coconut oil is also brilliant to put on the face and neck while bathing, you can even eat it, cook with it, and clean your teeth with it. I also condition my hair in coconut oil and leave it on for a couple of days.

So one of the first things that I do when providing solutions, is look at the existing menu of the person and what they are eating, lifestyle includes the menu, and how the menu is impacting upon the life and its case history.

As that will usually show me where the gaps are - even with people that think they are having a healthy diet. Its really no different to the manner in which I would look at the activity of any business, when asked to provide recommendations for it. The business detective, or as it is known in London, the 'trouble shooter', became a health detective to solve what it is that has to be solved. The low blood pressure is really a symptom of an underlaying cause, and the greater the love that you have become, the greater is the cause.

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