
Sunday 3 January 2016

Israel, Israel Dream

In dream state a man came to hold me, he knew who I was, and he embraced me gently in his arms, he knew that I was concerned, and he showed me something that said, 'Israel, Israel'.

I felt happier in dream state after he had delivered his message. It was as if he was confirming the focus on the purpose for existence, and that he knew what had happened in the last 24 hours.

Israel, Israel twice and there is Israel in the middle east - there is also little Israel in North London.

The man in the dream was an elderly man, about 57-60 years, and he was very appreciative, of what had been given, his hair was a silvery colour.

When a man holds you in a comforting way it means that he understands, and that he is supportive of you, and with you in all that you do. This painting was gifted in 2015, to a local healer and therapist, it has rainbow colours, the flame of Joseph, (some call it the Opal flame) mother and child.

'Even to your old age and gray hairs, I am he, I am he that will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you. I will sustain you and rescue you'. Isaiah 46.4. The man that came in dream state looked like the Son of Joseph before he passed over, we were at a family party together in North London - and he was smiling with my mother and I. He knew in his heart, that we were putting on a brave face for him, he knew that we loved him beyond measure. I remember the little black wool dress that I was wearing in the photograph, in my mid 30's, a backless dress with ribbon, that I later gifted to a friend.

When my son was a baby I also wore a bright canary yellow backless dress. So I am not surprised that the yellow dress for creativity came to be when spreading the paint. Usually, when I paint I just spread the colour, and then I see what manifests. The paintings often look different when I reduce the scans in size, and sometimes, I see things in the paintings, that are prophetic in the shapes that emerge. Scientists now say that art heals.

In dream state to know the number of things or people can indicate an increase in personal power and or prestige. When I woke up my son had gifted his mother, truly he is the grandson of the Son of Joseph, a giver. True Israelites are givers - and I was given Israel to defend, Zion defends.

The true Spirit of God gives power, love and discipline - and the healing arts have many disciplines, love beyond measure and empowerment. Its no coincidence then that I was gifted to show poor families, salvation. A new creation of empowerment, with love beyond measure - with some of its disciplines.

The families in England, on this land of Joseph, were blessed with the Spirit of God and the cup of blessings.

So what is special about the 3rd of January? It is the 'Day of Involvement'. 

On this day, may you review what you have been involved in - and take the best with you into 2016.

Israel always in my heart.

I've just remembered the significance of the 3rd of January, it was the evening that the police 'arrested' me in an 'unlawful' way in 2011, - after I asked a person kindly, to speak English. I was bereaved at the time.

I knew my human rights - and that the police had 'contravened' international law, of freedom of speech, UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19. The same happens in social networks on the internet, when I'm compelled to defend Israel. An American has consistently 'attacked' Israel on-line and 'incites violence' against Israel. Yet, Americans permit that person to do so, maybe its time that those that allow that person to continue are reported, as those that 'incite war', against a nation, shall not be tolerated.

There is a big difference between freedom of speech that defends, and that which does the opposite. It seriously is time for that American to be brought to account for his actions, legally, scientifically, and peacefully. I asked that person do you care about Americans living in Saudi?

Do you care about Americans in Israel, as the American was supporting war against both, and continually does so at every single opportunity that it gets. Remember this Archangel Michael is the defender of truth, in communication - and Archangel Michael defends Israel.

In this Mother of Life is the blessings that Archangel Michael bestowed to yours truly.


And following on from my Israel, Israel dream. 

The American 'anti-Israel' team are about to get a taste of their own medicine. 

Big smiles, great article.

'I bring near my righteousness, it is not far off. And my salvation will not delay. And I will grant salvation to Zion, my splendour to Israel'. Isaiah 46:13


In that verse, the word translated as 'salvation' is 'teshuah' and sometimes it is translated as 'deliverance'. He certainly delivered yours truly to Israel in 2006, and 2007.


  1. Another shooting in Israel on Sunday

  2. Athens Airport in the news, when Israelis refused to fly on the plane with two Arabs. The question is what were Palestinians doing in Athens? You don't go to Athens for a holiday this time of year, so maybe they were going to see family, or the latest arrival of immigrants. What do you think about it?

    Israeli's are certainly on full alert.

  3. Israeli repercusions in the West Bank for what the Muslims have done to innocent Israeli's. Many Muslims in the middle east teach their children that Israel as no right to exist in the PLO constitution. So they grow up with that mentality, and than that mentality, then co-creates what it has done in Israel in the last three months. Now it is impacting upon their families, as their homes are removed from those families. It seems that it is the only thing that Muslims understand, if you try to take the home of another person, then your home will be taken from you forcibly. People can build new homes, they cannot replace the Jewish people that have passed over.

  4. It will be OK, I feel sure of it. She has been delivered before and she will be again with the divine will and blessings. Psalm 69 mentions many people. However, there is a person of love that has known me for most of my life, and she was delivered and healed in my hands.

    May the will of the LORD be done, as he would like it to be. May he speak his words through me, and breathe his breath of life to her through the fruit of these lips. May salvation be granted again through these hands, may he protect her and his divine will for her - until I see her again.

    May I be at his service to bring her forth to do his will, may she rest pain free, and heal in my hands and heart of love. May she be protected with the power of love beyond measure. Her love got many people through, and she deserves the love that is powerful, she is worthy of my love and I shall focus on delivering it. I got the message, Israel, Israel.

  5. Little Israel, North London.
