
Saturday 23 January 2016

Iain Duncan's Suicides

Bedroom Tax 2012 

Every time I see another passing due to the DWP, David Cameron and his 'bedroom tax', sanctions on the poor children, the fact that they were medicated and its link to IAPT CBT, touches my Elijah heart deeply.

This time it is a 53 year old woman, and her teenage son age 16. Mother and child, two more to add to the Iain Duncan's list of 'Procurement of Suicide'. 

And another case.

How many more people have to die for Cameron due to his DWP policies? How much longer will this nation put up with the 'Criminal negligence' of the Conservatives? You do realise that the legal term is 'Corporate Manslaughter' of our people, don't you? 

1 comment:

  1. More in the news.

    Antidepressants can raise the risk of suicide, biggest ever review finds.

    Antidepressant use doubles the risk of suicide in under 18s and the risks to adults may have been seriously underestimated, researchers found.
