
Saturday 30 January 2016

Greece Storms Zechariah 9

Greek's migration minister Yiannis Mouzalas claims Belgium told his county to 'push migrants back into the sea'. In this video he is speaking in an interview with Evan Davis at BBC Newsnight and what will happen next to the Schengen Agreement. The video was uploaded on the 27th January, 2015.

He shares that 10,000 people are arriving each day on the Greek Islands that have 3,000 Greeks living on them and that they're gathering up 'dead bodies' every day on their coastlines.

He mentions seeking the solutions, yet where is the Greek navy, and why aren't they defending the Islands? Where is the Greek army and why are they not defending Greece? So what do the biblical prophecies say? You find mention of Greece in Ezekiel 27, Daniel 11:2 and Zechariah 9, in Zechariah 9, Greece is saved by the south.

Zechariah 9 prophecy mentions Greece being saved. 'The LORD will appear over them, his arrow will flash like lightening. The sovereign LORD will sound the trumpet, he will march in the storms of the south, and the LORD Almighty will shield them'. 

How many times does Greece have to be saved from itself? How many times does it have to be rescued from Islam?

What else has been happening in Greece? Earthquakes.

The album that I first heard on the Island of Hydra in 1979, newly weds heard the beautiful classical Greek music as we sat looking at the sparkling water in the sunshine of the bay.

My son was also in the Greek Islands, in Corfu with the Son of Joseph and Lily when he was a small child, as I remember it - that is the last time that they travelled abroad together prior to the passing of the Son of Joseph.

My people Ezekiel 37

Eleven Stars Prophecy

Other Islands that I visited during my life include Crete x 2, Skiathos, Spetses, Kos, Kefalonia, Zante, Hydra, and Poros. Greek mainland twice. After the Son of Joseph had been diagnosed by the medics, I returned to Crete to soak up the beautiful energy, to enhance and increase my strength for what was ahead for my family and myself.

To be strong and courageous for my mother - to help her through it - and the bereavement that was on the horizon. Sunshine and the energy of the sea can increase the power of your light body to prevail. It was on that second journey to Crete that I met Ruth and her partner prior to their marriage, and they lived close to Lily.

In 2013, they experienced this storm on the Greek Island, Kimolos, why didn't those Greeks tell me that I had my own Greek Island? Big smiles!

That's why I was drawn to the hot springs in Italy.



What else do we know about Kimolos?

Volcanic rocks and hot springs, a geothermal field. Rich in minerals.

In 2015, they experienced this on a different Greek Island, Lefkada. 

Isaiah 7 

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