
Thursday 21 January 2016

Goodness Cause

And the LORD said, 'I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the LORD, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. Exodus 33:19.

Interesting that prior to the first mission to Israel - I was instructed that we were to tone our names at the gathering on his holy hill. It was a very powerful star gate opening in May 2006, and he asked that we always honour its anniversary.

'For the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth'. Ephesians 5:9.

The greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes.


In this video journalist Peter Oborne shares his views.

He views David Cameron's conservatives as being different to what real conservatism is about, and I have to say I can't say that I agree with him on how he views Cameron's performance as a prime minister of this country.

I do agree with him on Jeremy Corbyn, and I view Corbyn as a man of integrity and inherent goodness. Although he seriously as to review this nation due to the 'cultural genocide' that is being allowed to happen in the UK. 'Cultural genocide' that people were warned about in 2007. 

Peter shares that he left the Daily Telegraph due to the fact that DT wouldn't allow him to publish the the lead story about a bank due to it being a major advertising client of DT. Newspapers rely on advertising for their financial existence, as such, justice is a thin line to walk. However, at least Peter has been honest and spoken his truth about his own involvement in it. 

I don't agree with him about the focus on Israel, due to the sheer importance of the fact that the PLO must give Israel the right to exist in their constitution. 

That's a fact, that everyone must back, for Israel is the frontline of the West, it does have the right to exist, and we've all seen what has been happening in the economic migrant camps in Europe.  Not only in the camps, but also in Cologne, Helsinki, Paris etc etc. 

He mentions a visit to the foreign office and he asked why Saudi gets so much support, the response he received, 35,000 jobs and oil. Its a good interview, and I like Owen Jones, I think he has a bright future ahead of him as a reporter. Although in his youth, he can be easily influenced and that is what he has to watch out for. 

It makes you wonder why journalists like Peter don't discuss the cultural genocide of this nation and how is it that rich Muslims, have been allowed to purchase more of London, than Elizabeth ever owned. I'm not saying that Elizabeth should own it, it should be equally owned by the indigenous population.

That's a reality check right there when the indigenous population of London are now outnumbered by foreigners. Interesting that David Bowie sang about the London Boys decades ago. The man that shared his thought in his songs. Its a long time since I've been to Waterloo, haven't been there since the 90's.

Its truly time for the historic Europeans to take their countries back, interesting that this blog has been getting a lot of views from Russia. And Russia have offered a home to Jewish people that feel that they have to leave Europe due to Islam and what its doing in Europe. I couldn't live in Russia - I like a hot climate.

I agree with Peter on the EU, and clearly, most of the people that live in Europe would like our nations to leave the EU, in that we are definitely in agreement with Nigel Farage. As he says, 'Woman Up'.

Its no coincidence that David passed over after I had the Israel dream.

What else is happening? Deradicalisation of children in the UK. 'A total of 415 children aged 10 and under have been referred to the government's deradicalisation programme in England and Wales over the last four years, the BBC has learned. Figures brain by the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) also show that 1,424 children aged 11 to 15 were also referred.' 

What good will that do? Once they return to their parents? They're parents have to engage too.

So how much is that costing the tax payers in the UK?

UK should send the bill to Saudi or their country of origin. That will reduce the cost of oil. We could also charge for accommodating any of the people from Islamic countries. Due to those countries not doing so.

The welfare state should only pay for British nationals that paid for it.

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