
Wednesday 20 January 2016

Elijah's Monastery

How many millions of Muslims do you see marching in the streets against what Muslims have done and are still doing to ancient sites? Muslims don't seem to like ancient sites. Now its Elijah's monastery in Iraq. How would Muslims like it if every single mosque was destroyed?

How would that feel then?

At least in Egypt many Muslims protect their ancient sites, as they know that their tourism depends upon it. Although the last time I looked, European travel companies were refusing to fly to Egypt due to what happened to the Russian plane.

And the Liberals are getting more reality checks in Germany. Woman that worked helping the economic migrants is handing in her notice, due to the way that she was treated by those she was employed to help. She said that her 'idealism had been eroded and virtually destroyed'.

In the UK, its been about the nurses today. 'David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn have clashed at Prime Minister's Questions over the axing of student grants and bursaries for nurses in England'.

As far as the nurses are concerned I agree with Jeremy Corbyn.

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