
Thursday 28 January 2016


In the book of Genesis it mentions a dream that Joseph had about eleven stars that bowed before Joseph. In the book of Matthew it is cited as 'The Great Commission', when the eleven disciples went to the Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. Matthew 28:16

That aligns with Genesis 37:9 'Then he had another dream, and he told it to his brothers. 'Listen, he said, "I had another dream, and this time the sun and the moon and eleven stars were bowing before me".

Isaiah 24:23 mentions how 'The moon will be dismayed, the sun ashamed; for the LORD Almighty will reign on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, and before its elders - with great glory.

The prophecy of the eleven stars was fulfilled in my presence on a divine mother workshop, whereby women had travelled a long way to attend it. During it one of the women had an incredible spiritual experience, Jesus, the Son of God was in our presence. Has the participants listened to the vibration and sound of my voice during the divine mother meditation of the heart.

Jesus danced with one of the women during the divine mother meditation of the heart. She wept and wept due to the power of the experience, and as she wept, I wiped her tears gently away. As it is written the Spirit of God gave us power, love and discipline.

The young woman that he chose that day, an RM, a healer, was initiated by Jesus himself, another bride of Christ in my presence. She received her reward and it touched my heart deeply, that he chose to prove that wisdom is right - in the presence of an audience of healers and workshop leaders.

I hadn't met that young woman prior to that day, and afterwards she shared she was going to America on her travels.  It was a heart connection that can be incredibly powerful in its purity of pure intention, and utmost attention. On that day, the young woman that had travelled far to greet me with her friends and colleagues, received immeasurably love to enhance her being and life.

In her exaltation, she went forth embedded with our love in her heart.

Another one of the women that attended that day, an elder with the name of Diana, she also ran workshops in the local region. That was the last time that I saw her, that day in the Tree Room.

The greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes. All of wisdom's paths are peace, a tree of life experience.


Today, is the 'Day of Outstanding Achievements', the day, that I gave birth to my beautiful son.

So true, faithful and true, the light of goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life. My son keeps wisdom in his sight.

What more can be said of the family of Joseph? A poem as been written, eleven stars of Joseph's dream. Twelve are the tribes of Israel, thirteen are the attributes of God. Its no coincidence that it was ordained that I should be born on the 13th of February.

Echad Mi Yodea - 'Who knows one'.

In blessing
are you blessed,
and in multiplying
are you multiplied,
eleven stars
become twelve tribes,
your dream of progeny
at the turning point,
where the thirteen ways
of God
are One.
And you,
upholder of the world,
are hidden
in the sum
of their completion,
in your answer
to the first question.“echad-mi-yodea”-“who-knows-one”

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