
Thursday 28 January 2016

Day of Outstanding Achievement

I asked my son what would you like for your birthday? He said, nothing mum. The only thing he asked for was to have his photograph taken before joining his friends that have travelled far to be with him this night. I asked him to be careful, and he said, he would be.

What could I write for him that I haven't written already, what I could say to him, that I haven't said already. Wisdom prepared him to be in the hands of God, from the day that he was born. When I sang to him, after feeding him, and he looked adoringly into my eyes, and chuckled with a smile.

When my mother came to the maternity hospital and I told her he was smiling, she said, it was wind.

However, I knew my babies smile, I knew, even when I was carrying him in my womb, he was a happy peaceful baby. The love of life, the light of life, the bundle of joy, I held in my arms as we danced into our life together, singing, and smiling joyfully. This was heavenly, divine, my priority, a child that became a man.

The day of outstanding achievement, the 28th January, my gift of the light of love to the world, an Aquarian water bearer. 33 today, how time goes so quickly, the years go so fast, and you notice it more and more with each year that you age. Each moment that you spend together is precious and cannot be replaced.

He's in a six year of his life cycle, so for the next three years, his life will continue to ascend, before he will make a choice to go into a new direction. It is quite likely that it will be then that he will marry, after he has met that someone special. Relationships haven't been his priority, his career has most of his attention, that combined with financial stability, a sound footing, grounded on level ground.

33 is the numeric of sensitivity, and a sensitive nature, and he has been much more sensitive to my situation recently. The numeric is fortunate in friendships, strong magnetic appeal with the general public, productive partnerships, with an emphasis on romance and love. When he is with a young lady in his life, he is romantic, and so loving. He will make a wonderful attentive husband for a faithful wife, for a son that is faithful to his mother, is also faithful to his wife. Trustful loyalty.

When a son is sensitive to the requirements of his mother, he is also sensitive to the requirements of his life partner. When a man takes care of his mother, that same man will take care of his wife. When he meets a young woman, he asks his mum to look at the compatibility of the relationship to see what potential it has to work. He knows his mum is always proven right where his life is concerned, wisdom knows best.

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