
Monday 4 January 2016

Blonde Girl Dream

I took a long time to get off to sleep then when I did I was taken straight into dreamtime.

There was a young blonde woman with lovely long wavy hair running around in the street, going crazy, - and everyone was concerned about her.

I was with some people and we were going to a party in a large place and there were all sorts of weird and wonderful characters at the party, different genders, guys wearing make-up.  The building that we were in was an historic building, with its original features and it looked English in design with lots of wood paneling in it, seats in the window areas etc.

Anyway, I told the others I was going to look for the girl, eventually I found her at the party. I knew I had to find her - because I knew that she was very close to the edge, and I had to do what I could, I was determined to help her if she would allow me to do so.

When I found her, I told the girl that I could help her - and asked her to accept my help.

I said to her, come with me, and I will help you, I will make you some flower essences to stabilise you, just for starters. She looked at me with eyes wide open - fresh faced, and replied that she would accept the help.

So I picked up her hand and held it in mine, and then we walked out of the party. As we were leaving, I told the others that we were leaving as we had some healing to do together. They all smiled and were happy enjoying themselves, so they didn't take much notice or care.

So the girl and I left, and then we were in an elevator and there was a man in the elevator. Two of us got out of the elevator two floors up - to where I had an apartment. I then realised while in the dream that this was a recurring dream, and as soon as I become consciously aware of that, I woke up and the dream ended.

To dream of a party such as this can indicate mixed fortunes, and it usually pertains to social matters.

In dream interpretation if you were attending a party it is considered more fortunate than giving a party. To dream of or being inside a building can be symbolic of a life achievement. If the structure was historic it brings forth life experience, and if that building was impressive you can anticipate future luxury.

To dream of the health of a person such as the girl in the dream, can be a warning not to speculate on the health of such a person, because what she was experiencing in her life can be numerous and accumulative.

To go up in an elevator is positive, and the female was also positive about receiving help when offered. The numerics in the dream are also important - because there was a third person in the elevator with us going up. The numeric of three is associated with wisdom, and caressing hands signify sincere love, as in when holding a person's hand in such circumstances, they feel loved, and cared for by a person that has put in the effort to do so. When people hold hands it is a heart connection of palm to palm, then heart to heart. If you save one person its like you have saved the whole world.


When I went back to bed I was then given the name of a flower essence that the blonde person requires. Its often the case that when people experience the power of flower essence remedies; afterwards they start working with them, to help themselves and their families. Then after that some people start working with them professionally - helping others when compelled to do so or asked to do so.

There are now a large number of ranges of these remedies from different countries - and it is truly wonderful to see. However, make sure that the essences that you're drawn towards - are still made by hand, as they were meant to be, because they are much more potent when made by hand.

They are more economical to purchase in a range, directly from the producers, although people that supply the essences are usually able to provide you with a full consultation on the importance of the remedy prescribed to your life experience that is impacting upon you on an energetic level.

When I provided remedies for people, I did provide a consultation with the remedy, as what is shown by the remedy can be empowering at times when people require it. I was also divinely guided to develop three different combination ranges to offer people to help them with their ascent. It was a fascinating journey with vibrational medicine divinely given.

Remember this the Sprit of God gave us power, love and discipline. It was great to meet the founder of Australian Bush Flower remedies when I was in Australia, he also had a mop of blond hair.  He was lovely, and into numerics, and life cycles, flower essence producers in the UK are also lovely people.

Flower essences are ideally suited for children, teenagers, and women when they reach their first saturn return. Although with the life cycle of the saturn return's, I also recommend that the north node of the soul journey is looked at, because sometimes exterior forces and planetary energies are impacting upon the life of the person.

Nature, nurture and environment. Some people are excellent at producing, some are excellent at distribution, some are excellent at taking them - and recommending the essences to their friends and families.The natural alternative - a natural and healthy solution for the blonde girl - to begin her healing journey that has been indicated by this dream. The essence given was RED OAK, it is also the name of a location and a tree.


Its an Australian flower essence remedy. Such a beautiful flower, exquisite.

Red Oak, Texas.

Red Oak Tree and it grows in North, Central and South America.

RED OAK TEXAS happening 26th December, 2015.

The true flame as many colours, like the flowers of creation.

The leaves, the petals for healing the nations.

The flame of Joseph. 


  1. Britney Spears Rescued

  2. Crazy American blond, Susan Waldrop, gets her news about England, from before its news, silly girl. Of course, she doesn't allow any comments in response to her. Indeed, Susan the Holy Spirit does know all things - and what you are up to.

    As far as 'last Christmas' is concerned, many people didn't have a Xmas holiday this year, their homes were flooded in the UK. Of course that was more important and more prophetic than anything that Elizabeth might have said, although it would be appropriate if you could provide some facts, to support what you have said that Elizabeth of England did said.

  3. Its not a time for children to be going to parties, especially in London. Another child as passed over age 16, Woodford Park.

  4. American blonde girl found in apartment in Florence, Italy. Italian police are investigating.

  5. Sadly, now a 22 year old Swedish girl. Alexandra Mezher, so beautiful. Condolences to her family and friends.
