
Thursday 24 December 2015

Two Chickens Dream

On the 19th October, 2015, I had a dream of two chickens. One of the chickens was brownish in colour and the other bird was pure white. I tried to stroke the white chicken while it was walking. The two chickens looked really healthy and their feathers were so clean.

In the dream I asked the farmer if the chickens had laid any eggs, and he responded that they had laid a couple, although more were anticipated.

Wiki shares with us that the Leghorn appears to derive from light breeds originating in rural Tuscany.

In dream interpretation to dream of chickens can indicate a warning, not to count them. Or you could say, don't count on the chickens, don't try to stroke those chickens, they are nervous in the current climate and chickens are known to 'scare' easily. Funny that the white chicken was following the brown chicken, chickens like to stay together don't they?

My interest in the dream was about the eggs - and the quantity that had been laid, and I was told a 'Couple', a numeric of two again. The numeric of two can also be a timing link - and eggs are good for your vital body. Eggs are healing food, an energy booster. Hence, for two months there was an energy booster and I didn't blog for two months. Also during that time there were announcements about two different couples. First one couple, then a second couple getting together.

Amazing how things manifest, especially as the numeric of two is also to do with the 'lovers' in the tarot.

Then on the 28th November, I received a message when I woke up, 'They will become lovers'. After that I received a dream of a faired haired woman dressed in black and white in the supermarket. I tried to raise my hand to wave to her, but my right arm wouldn't move to do so.

After that the X-factor was won by a 17 year old, Louisa Johnson that had worn a stunning black and white dress. The winning song 'Forever Young' was a prophetic Bob Dylan song. There was much media speculation about young Johnson, it has been announced - that she does indeed have a boyfriend. Sweet couple they make!

So do we have chicken for this holiday to eat? Yes, and eggs.

Its always interesting to see who gets together prior to the holidays.
As most people don't like to be alone at holiday time, at this time of year.
Prophecy also predicted that people would find their mate in this timeline.

Isaiah 34 mentions the birds and each being with their (soul) mate.

'Not one will lack her mate, for it is his mouth that has given the order,
and his Spirit will gather them together'.

Funny, that I was once talked into starting a singles club to help professionals get-together.  I was in my early 30's in those days. The last news that I received of it - is that it is still going, and there have been many marriages since it began. The things that I've been involved in during my lifetime. Hello Dolly, matchmaker. Did you light a match in heaven? 

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