
Wednesday 16 December 2015

The 'Reeling' Prophecy

The BBC report that Muslims in America are 'reeling' and they feature a Donald Trump female supporter that says that 'all mosques in America should be bombed'.

What does this have to do with biblical prophecy?

Gabriel mentions the Islamic plan that was written in 1991, no coincidence that the cup was seen after that in the spiritual community. 

Zechariah 12:2 mentions the 'reeling', 'I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends the surrounding peoples reeling'. When did people first see the cup on the banner in the UK? In the 90's on the galilee of the gentiles, the banner was painted by a local artist.

What other prophecy relates to it?

In 2009, the herald ran with the prophecy. 'The cup from the LORD's right hand is coming around to you'. The Hab 2 prophecy mentions Lebanon and what happened to it, the LORD as a soft heart for Lebanon.

As the doctors says, 'We did not give up' and this video he speaks to the Muslim woman about the saving of her child that has a heart condition. The Israeli doctor tells her that life is precious, the Islamic woman didn't agree with him. She says, that all Muslims are prepared to go to their death for Jerusalem.

Did I ask any Muslim to die for me? NO! The LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy. The Israeli doctor is merciful for the child and its mother. Yet, what mercy does she give in return to Israel, when she says that she is happy for her child to 'die as a martyr', as a 'suicide bomber'.

Another case in Pakistan, children that were in school.
Turn your hearts to the children, every child as the human right to live. 

Every parent is the guardian of the soul of the child. 

The life of children must be defended and protected.

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