
Thursday 10 December 2015

Teenage 'Stress' Science

News from scientists at the University of Haifa, in Israel, have discovered that the 'effects of exposure of females to stress during adolescence are transmitted not only to children, but also to grandchildren. "our studies suggest that there are processes, unrelated to maternal care, that can explain how information is transmitted from generation to generation'.

That could help explain why in the 90's, Japan had the highest rate of 'youth suicide', and why the Jewish people have a very high rate of what the medics call 'mental health issues'. Although the medics have a lot to learn about consciousness.

If you had been in Japan, when America dropped the nuclear bomb on Japan as a teenager, that would definitely impact on you, and the future generations. The same with the Jewish people and what they suffered in the timeline of the holocaust. And what about what the Africans went through - due to what the Arab Muslims did to them? Then there was what Germany did in Europe and the UK, our cities were bombed, the Irish also bombed the UK. What about when America was bombing Vietnam, that teenagers were watching on TV when I was growing up?

My best teenage memory of Vietnam was watching Americans putting flowers in the mouths of guns. That really touched the heart of the teenager. The hippies that did their utmost to stop the war - that impacted upon children.

Turn your hearts to the children, I was reading yesterday, on the BBC, that children in the UK were asked how they feel about their teenage years, and they responded, 'stressful'.

Society hasn't made it any easier for children since I grew up, society has made it much harder for children. Turn your hearts to the children. Children are asking for more free time, more relaxation time, more leisure time, children are not asking for more academia, as they find the existing pressures of life on them too much for them.

The demands of society that demands that they be perfect, demands that they meet education targets, demands to be like their peers, or to be popular. Children report that they are finding it hard to fit into the society that humanity as created, and the heart of this mother of life, goes out to the children and Zion defends!

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