
Friday 11 December 2015

Mother of Life - Cup of Life

I have been sharing about the 'Mother of Life' as written about in Jewish prophecy, and the name given to her at birth was written in the Torah. As the LORD said, 'By the time they find out what we have done, it will be too late for them to change it'.

Mother of Life

Prior to her marriage, she had a year long relationship with an Israeli with the name of Benjamin and it is written in the Torah about the blessing that Moses asked for Benjamin. The Son of Joseph and his wife had hoped his daughter would marry him, as they loved him.

'Of Benjamin he said:
Beloved of the LORD,
He rests securely beside Him;
Ever does he protect him,
As he rests between His shoulders.

Deuteronomy 33:12

Prophecy was fulfilled, when the mother of life shared some of her life with Benjamin. Before he left England, he and his brother met the man that she was destined to marry. And of him, Benjamin said, 'He is not strong enough for you'. What Benjamin said in front of his brother, was proven to be true. Prophecy predicted that she would mourn for the partner of her youth, that prophecy was correct, she did mourn after her husband left her.

The book of Genesis shares with us that the man was driven out. 'After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life'. Genesis 3:24. In Numbers it mentions how 'Any vow or obligation taken by a widow or divorced woman will be binding on her'. Numbers 30"9. Interesting that he didn't ask for a divorce for seven years - although we were 'legally separated'.

The Son of Joseph and his wife were very close with the Jewish community in London, and their Jewish friends knew the name of the man that their daughter married. Due to the cost of the wedding, and the fact that her husband had a large family. We were limited to the amount of people that we could invite to the wedding. We also invited friends that we worked with, from the place where we met in London.

My parents would've let their Jewish friends know, and they showed everyone the photography of the wedding. They were also told what happened afterwards, when the relationship finished, and when the birth of my son happened and where he was born. Their friends knew his given birth name, and they would've been able to see the name was written in biblical prophecy. Also the given birth name of the mother as written in the Torah.

It was known that after the birth of the Son, with the given name, they wouldn't have to wait much longer. As they knew his mother would be sent to Israel to bless it - and that she would arrive in the night time.  In scripture, Jesus had also predicted that his disciples would drink from his cup, the cup of life. The year after my son was born, the children in London sung this song.

New life was celebrated and loved beyond measure. The Son of Joseph and his wife were very happy with the child that their daughter had birthed. The light of love shone from him and upon him. He will be 33 in January, 2016. Its no coincidence that my son, also had a school friend with the name of Benjamin and they were close while they were at school together.  It was divine providence, the connection between the family of Benjamin and the family of Joseph.

Isaiah 60:22 The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the LORD; in its time I will do this swiftly.” It was done in the 90's, one became a thousand. 

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday, I received three lovely messages from people who have received miracles in their lives. Beautiful. They were deserving of the peace.
