
Tuesday 22 December 2015

Magenta Archway

Today, the 22nd, while a person was working with me, I saw some wonderful energy of an arch pulsating. It was truly beautiful to see, the magenta energy that is bold and courageous. We find the name Arch in the Greek word 'Archelaus' and you can see the name in different realities and it includes a Greek philosopher, a high priest, a nobleman and a sculptor.

When we look at magenta and the semi-precious stones and crystals what do we find, we find 'Red Jasper', Rubies and Garnets. Sophia my grandmother was gifted with a garnet ring by my mother. It was probably bought for her as her birthstone.

When she passed on, her ring was then given to me, until such time as it was taken from my reality after my son was born. There was a large garnet in the centre, and it was surrounded with smaller garnets. The colour blood, hence the power of it, for in the colour is family, in the colour there is healing, in the colour there is vibration, in the shape a portal is shown to you, in the shape of the colour is vibration, when it is pulsating it is a living energy and an energy of life and living it. The energy that exists so that you can see it before your very eyes - before the door in front of you.

Its no coincidence that I am compelled to wear a raincoat in this colour at this time, its no coincidence that it is a power colour - and it can come in many different shades and hues.

You can also think of it in terms of healing foods with this colour, like beetroots, and red cabbage, that is ideal before and after the menopause. You can view it in a bottle of red wine, the red grape, the wine of the prophet Elijah.

You can see its vibration in flower essences and gem essences, of course you can see it in fruit as in tomatoes that are ideal for the prostate. Today, after seeing the magenta energy, I had some little red peppers filled with cream cheese and some red wine.

Its also a winter holiday colour, and a colour that is warm and can be HOT! In the wintertime it is great to wear this colour, a colour that strengthens, and gives fortitude.

Interesting that in recent years I was compelled to buy some towels in this colour for my massage bed. A colour that matches the bed covering that was made decades ago, it also matches my mandala.





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