
Friday 18 December 2015

Jess Philips -v- Jeremy Corbyn

This video of Jess Phillips was uploaded on the 14th December, 2015. She was elected to parliament in May 2015. Owen Jones shares with you that 'she has built a reputation as someone who says what she thinks and is on her mind. She's no Corbynite, but says she believes Jeremy Corbyn is harming the Labour party rather than helping it.' 

In this interview she speaks out against Corbyn's communication, so what does wisdom say? It is in fact, showing us that it is Jess that has to review her communication, and ask herself is her manner of communication from the heart? Or is she just another career politician? I agree with Jess that Diane Abbot should not have interrupted her conversation with Jeremy Corbyn, and she could have responded differently to that interruption.

Jessica Rose Philips, age 34. 

On the 23rd of October, 2015, while in semi-dream state, I was aware of what I was saying to a man that had come for some help. I was explaining a lot to him, as he was wishing to change his life and he was wishing to understand what was impacting upon humanity and himself. He was a thoughtful, caring and compassionate man - and the area looked like my location e.g. England.

After we had spoken, there was a different cameo in the dream. In the next cameo he asked me to look at a boat for him, as he was looking to buy the boat. When I saw the boat, it had the name 'YOSHOFAR' on it in caps. I smiled, and recognised the name immediately, as it had been spoken to me by the heavenly Father. So I said, YES to the man, this is the boat. Then the dream ended.

In dream interpretation, a boat is very significant. As it can be predictive of a new journey. that also includes a new venture that prospers. A new adventure. It there is a man and a boat in your dream, it can indicate that you have some work to do with a man in your locality.

The dream was showing that the man is open to listening to wisdom - to assist him with the decisions and direction that he will take. In this respect it was to do with his purchase - and that which he was investing in. The man in the dream, looked exactly like Jeremy Corbyn, and Corbyn does wear a sailors hat. In this mandala that was gifted it includes many docked boats, you will also appreciate that the colour green is symbolic of the environment, ecology, our green fields. In it you will see that there is a red circle, with a pink cross of love with pink and green feathers. These are Xmas colours aren't they, and this year it is a felicity holiday, Ehyeh, Ehyeh.

It wasn't long before there were major floods in the UK, and boats were required to rescue the people that had to be evacuated. Then there was the win in Oldham, for Labour, with voters that don't speak or read English, and Nigel Farage as something to say about what went on in Oldham. Are people like Jessica Phillips so ambitious that integrity is at stake?

Exactly what integrity does the Labour party have in such circumstances, when it is written that there are only 25 socialist MP's in it? How truthful and honest is that? Dennis Skinner is truthful and honest isn't he, isn't that why he has been loved for decades? Now that's a man that had no ambition to be the PM, and worked hard for those that elected him.

I am not saying that I agree with everything that Jeremy Corbyn says. However, for goodness sake give the teacher a chance to grow into the job, as he is having to face some very formidable opposition with the conservatives, and the media; and it has been a continue onslaught upon him since his election to be leader. Allow him, and let him continue to listen to the people and their views, its very early days in the job, give him time. New MP's are also having to learn that patience is a virtue - and that there is a pecking order to the divine plan.

However, Jeremy and his supporters, must be aware that immigration is a major issue for a majority of people in the UK, if he and his supporters are to gain the national vote, then immigration is a top priority, alongside leaving the EU. As Nigel Farage so rightly puts it, that Turkey is 'Blackmailing the EU' into EU membership, and Europeans, are saying, no, thank-you. What happens in the UK also impacts on Europe due to our EU membership. What happens in the EU parliament also impacts on what happens in the UK.

Can the UK seriously afford the cost of the EU, when families in the UK are depending on food banks to eat? How are those families able to buy the winter clothes that their children require? Or school uniforms that schools demand? Yet, the UK, can afford to give the EU 11 billion a year. I agree with Nigel Farage, they should pay us to be a member of it. As Germany gains more from it, than anyone else, as I hear of it.

Charity begins at home, and what parents do for their children, their children do for them. Children live what they learn, and you reap what you have sown.

So may you all consider your charitable and compassionate priorities, because if you can't look after your own British children and eradicate poverty in this country, than how can any government look after the children of others from other member states? Let alone further afield.

The poorest and most vulnerable of our nations are suffering immeasurably, and Jeremy Corbyn as made some excellent points about that in Prime Ministers Question Time. While Cameron, laughs and cheers, the poorest in the UK are looking at a very bleak end to the year. At least, Putin as the boldness, courage and strength to be blunt to the Muslims. Sometimes, the sword of mercy brings forth discipline - that is essential to ensure that people behave themselves and act in a proper and civilised manner.

Pandering to them will not provide the success that Labour would like, nor will Arabs by taking their wealth in the middle east. Economic migrants think that they're coming for wealth, when in fact, the wealth and its natural resources; is being taken from them - and their homelands.

Its a major wake-up call for everyone and Pegida is arising throughout Europe, to preserve our historic cultures, and civilisation and languages. A European population greater than the USA, a mainland and Islands that stretch far wider than it. Cultural genocide that Europeans are experiencing, as to be stopped in its tracks, and that is why the Europeans are arising.

This mandala of the pine tree was gifted to an American. 
Another great mandala for this holiday time. 

You know when I was a child, we were taught to respect our elders, were you taught that Jess Philips?

Wisdom gives 100% respect to people, until such time, as they no longer deserve it due to their words, deeds and actions.

The pink and loganberry colour in that lovely mandala reminds me of my raincoat and hat. Truly, divinely inspired. There is a lot of rain isn't there in the UK right now. So let us focus on our environment, what is the UK doing about preserving all of the rain? Should we have to pay for water, when so much is given as by the heavens? Why should the poor and elderly have to pay for the blessing of water, when so much is given freely?

As I have already explained, there will be more scientific developments to do with the feet, and also to do with diet and food. There will be a major shake-up of the medical profession due to the scientific disclosure.

So what is on the menu? I'm still enjoying my butter beans, cooked in garlic, with onions, and tomato, delicious. Served with roast potatoes, roasted parsnips, and chicken with carrots. Soup is coriander and carrot, butternut squash and red pepper. Fish is some smoked salmon as a treat for health, and marinated herring. Plenty of seeds, pumpkin, sunflower and melon for magnesium.

Still putting coconut oil on my face, my skin feels wonderful and have begun inversion therapy again. Massage bed is going back up in my bedroom, if I can get my son to finish painting my bedroom prior to the end of the year. Progress is being made in this holiday season, one step at a time.

Although after 15 years, the washing machine as finally had it. Its had a good run, there is water in the drum. So now, I have to wait for my son to buy me a new one. He might get around to it in the next year, big smiles. So do you have a dream boat YOSHOFAR?

Do you have harmonious respect? Do you have peace? May my peace be with you, may your harmonious respect be peaceful in its aims and pure intention, give it your utmost attention. Children matter, keep that in mind Jessica Philips, because another young man as been gunned down by police in the last week. How would you feel if it was your son? Or the dad of your children?

Jermaine Baker

Did you shed a tear for JB? A child of this nation? Did you light a candle for him Jessica?

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