
Wednesday 23 December 2015

Jehoiada Initiation

In the book of Kings it mentions the high priest Jehoiada in Hebrew, 'Yehoyada'. The high priest took a chest and 'BORED' a hole in its lid.

'He placed it beside the altar, on the right side as one enters the temple of the LORD. The priests who guarded the entrance put into the chest all the money that was brought to the temple of the LORD'. 2 Kings 12:9

Its fascinating that teenagers often say it, 'I'm bored', just before they start work. They also often say it to do with school work. I've been known to say it when it is the end of a long mission of giving my time and effort to a specific reality. It usually happens prior to a new mission beginning. Although the feeling was much greater than 'I'm bored', prior to leaving to go to Australia. I remember saying to God, 'Please move me on', as I had done so much to help other people, and it was time for me to enjoy a new and different reality.

If we look at Yehoyada, source link mentions that Jehoiada is noteworthy, for the national covenant that was made between him and between all the people, and between king, that they should be the LORD's people. (2 Chronicles 23:16). He was buried honourably among the kings in the city of David. His son's name was Zechariah.

It indicates that something as been completed, and you are ready to move on to the next phase of your life. There is an interesting timeline with it of five years. If you review your life, you can review it in different realities. How long you may have stayed in a job, being a leader in new business development. How long you may have taught a particular therapy, or spiritual reality. How long you raised money for a specific charity, it can be viewed in many different ways.

How long a specific mission was for a divine purpose due to what had to be done to help others, true Israelites are givers. You can view the end of a phase as this initiation - if it has a five-six year timeline - and you were earnest and eager to move on. So it can indicate that it is a time to be joyous, because the new is sure to begin - in perfect timing - and the rewards for your efforts will be forthcoming.

Sometimes we can find ourselves in a situation whereby it is fulfilling for others, but not for you. So for instance, when school teachers are fulfilled in the work that they do, but the children are not. It has also been shown to us via the scientific research that teenagers in the UK are finding life on this planet 'very stressful', and that impacts upon their biology.

Its often a time when children feel like doing something outrageous, to have a new experience, and it is often a time when children turn to drink, drugs, or physical intimacy for a new adventure and that can relate to peer pressure. Its often a time when young people get involved in risky sports like car racing, or mountain climbing.

However, when a sensible person arrives bringing order, being the moral compass or a new covenant. When wisdom arrives there are often people that 'stand against it' and 'reject' truth, some stand against order, harmonious respect, and what God as sent to help the community. 'Who keeps an oath, even when it hurts, and does not change their mind'. Psalm 15:4

In this case, of this initiation, it can often be another woman - that stands in the way of peace becoming a reality for all of the family - in whatever reality that you find yourself in. Whether that is in business, in love, friendships, family, or in your spiritual life. Although sometimes it can also manifest in a male energy.

Although what they are actually doing - is looking for an outlet for the pressure of the 'boredom' that their soul consciousness is experiencing. It is a time of movement, and if people can appreciate its importance, it indicates that change is on the horizon.

There are different types of 'boredom', there is 'boredom' with reality, and there is 'bored divine' that has a spiritual significance and importance. It is often the case that those that are in a reality of 'boredom', will often stand against those that are divinely bored as in the chest. There are some people that just don't like to see others prosper spiritually, and some people cannot even stand the word 'spiritual' or 'biblical' or 'prophetic'.

Just as it explains in the book of Revelation, there were two women, the first woman that arrived was asked to stop doing what she was doing with the decrees, she took the surname 'prophet', (ECP) she was also asked to remain a widow. The second woman was given the crown divinely - and the scripture asked for the person specified, not to let anyone take your crown. Interesting that the American ECP also told her followers to buy guns, build bunkers and made Americans afraid of the Russians.

Now all these years later, after ECP passed over, it is the Christian Russians that have helped and defended the Syrians and its leader - while America and its allies have worked against it.

Patience of a saint was imperative, and its crucial to allowing yourself to experience what is coming next into your life. People with integrity that come to a space of the chest and it being bored, by the high priest or high priestess, can see what is on the right side of the altar.

So it is not a time to jump into anything quickly, its time to relax - and allow the energy to flow and allow the cosmos to show you the new beginning that is divinely planned for you. Its a good time to be in nature, a good time to reconnect with friends and colleagues, its a time of just being prior to the new job or mission being given to you.

It is a time when the financial rewards are seen  - when you have fulfilled what you were sent to deliver, and who you were sent to deliver it to. It is a time of appreciating yourself, and all that you have given to help others.

The high priest being buried in the city of King David, is also an interesting factor. If we bear in mind the Gabriel prophecy whereby David was predicted to come with 40 prophets in the last days of the end times. Zephaniah also predicted the Virgin and 60 just ones that struggled against those with faces like leopards, and Obama is clearly indicated in Rev 13, when wisdom with insight was called to do the count.

The name Jehoiada means YHWH as known, or YHWH as directed. Now interesting that the chest, the special box was called, shofar.

Its no coincidence that I bought my mother antique boxes during her life, prior to knowing the importance of the chest box. I kept one of the boxes that I gifted to her after I received an inheritance. That small inheritance from my parents arrived after I had been teaching healing therapies for five-six years. The synchronicity and manifestation of it all - is fascinating.

It was that inheritance that enabled me to carry on without financial concern. It was that inheritance that enabled me financially, to go on the missions to Israel and to America. Prior to the next mission beginning, it has been an awesome delivery.

When I was young, I also had a lovely, pine chest box, that I bought when I was married, and it used to sit in the lounge or my bedroom.  I kept that Victorian box, right up to when my son and I left for Australia. It was a strong box, strong enough to sit on. Now recently pine came back into life, when I was gifted with a pine wardrobe, chest of drawers, and bedside cabinet. It was clearly an important message on a spiritual level to do with the shofar.

Study light share a commentary on the verse that inspired and compelled this post and they've provided an article on it - that offers you the following information about it. It caught my eye when it mentioned 'Piety', and how piety can be brought back under a fresh impulse of material prosperity.

Study light state that the philosophy that underlies the conclusion of the principle is simple. 'When the church is repulsive, and the services dull, when the carpets are soiled with long using, when the prayer-circle is languishing, then good friends, it is almost impossible for saints to keep up their spirits'.

The original word in Hebrew is 'bqn', transliterated as 'naqab', a verb that can mean 'to pierce', 'perforate', 'bore', 'designate', 'appoint' or 'designate', 'be specified'.

So for instance when I was in a job for five and half years, responsible for new business development of the company. Eventually, when I had enough of putting up with the people that I was working with, due to what they were doing. Wisdom was moved on into a different reality.

Aquarians can put up with more than most, due to their loyalty, Aquarians can be so selfless - that they're willing to be hurt for being loyal to their oath of love beyond measure.

However, eventually they get 'bored' with putting up with others and their co-creation. When an Aquarian of integrity and truth is 'bored', its time to watch out, because it indicates a time when wisdom will soar in a different reality.

At that point wisdom leaves that reality behind, she takes her life experience, and light of love elsewhere to those that deserve the peace and prosperity that she brings. When you have experienced it a few times, you recognise it immediately, as soon are you are 'bored' with it.

The 21st century was born in wisdom, the mother of life, the giver of life, peace and prosperity.

No surprise then that I saw lovely magenta energy yesterday, a pulsating arch of magenta.

So what is on my right?

A wooden box cabinet filled with a history of spiritual life. It includes a tape recording machine that recorded my voice for clients in 14 different countries. It includes rune stones, intuitive cards, flower essences and oils. My training manuals, a small library of books, crystals, research, and a camera that I gifted my son for making movies.

On top of the chest of treasure, is the bronze dolphins that was gifted by my mother, a selection of small musical instruments that were collected for healing purposes, rose quartz, and other artefacts.

Study light share with us that when the 'church' reality as they've written about it, shows us that is happening in the church, 'the relief is close at hand. The facts that might be offered in illustration, are without limit.' Its no coincidence that this song was delivered to yours truly, in December 2008.

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