
Tuesday 29 December 2015

Irish Human Genome - The Celts

Scientists from Trinity College Dublin and archaeologists from Queen's University Belfast have published an article in the journal PNAS that they have discovered the origin of Celtic populations originated in Ireland. Scientists have sequenced the first ancient human genomes from Ireland. The BBC report that the work shows that early Irish farmers were similar to southern Europeans.

In the documentary about the Irish kings it explains what happened, a change in climate, colder, wetter climate impacted upon the crops and the responsibility was put upon the king. The documentary research findings replace theories from the 1950's and that also aligns with the latest developments since the human genome project began. Its interesting how it also aligns with biblical prophecy whereby if there are two kings then the land becomes a wasteland. 

I first viewed that biblical prophecy when Cameron shared his throne with the Lib Dems. After that the floods came, first in the South England, now in the North of England. Also interesting in the legend of the holy grail, it also mentions the wasteland and the mysterious wounds. 

Its a long time ago now - since my article on the holy grail was published in 'Paradigm Shift' Magazine. What was important about the holy grail story is integrity, integrity in relationships, in business, and also in how humanity look after the soil and its people upon it. Scientists have known about the state of the soil for over 100 years and so did Rudolf Steiner. 


So the floods came and people in the UK are talking about the flood defences. The floods that the spiritual have been talking about since at least the 80s'. The millennium prophecies that were delivered at exhibitions in the 90's. Who is talking about the prophecies that were delivered to the people, and how the people that came had also received dreams of floods? 

Did the media cover that, was it of any interest to them? I do remember a map that was published in the press in the 90's, of what would happen to the UK if the water rose 10 or 20 metres and people were advised to go up high, at least 50 metres to be on the safe side. The end was indeed nigh! 

The NT also mentions the floods doesn't it? Ever read 1 Peter 3:20-22 and what it says? God waited patiently in the days of Noah, while the ark was being built. Only eight people were saved through water. Scripture tells you that the water symbolizes a baptism that now saves you also - and water as always been known to be associated with the divine feminine. Did you pledge to have a clear conscience towards God? Those verses mention Jesus but where does it say that Jesus lived on an Island? 

The Islands prophecy is mentioned in Isaiah 59 and its about the last days of the end times, when a person comes for Zion and Jacob after the floods. 

Loved this movie. Finian's Rainbow, now NASA say the Fred Storm is coming upon the UK next.

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