
Monday 7 December 2015


13 inches of rain in CUMbria, the epic Elijah rain as certainly arrived in Cumbria. The Telegraph says that the army have been mobilised, and it has impacted upon at least 60,000 homes. Some people have been evacuated, river banks burst, bridges collapsed, and a hospital without power.

On the 1st of December 2015, a man was standing behind me, and he was 'disputing', what I had in my hand, I tried to reason with the person, and he was just 'arguing', he couldn't be reasoned with.

I wouldn't let him take the ancient books that were in my hand; when he put his arms around me physically to restrain me - so that he could take them.

Immediately, I said, confidently, 'God strike you down'. Instantly, the male energy was gone from my space. The man was strong in stature and fair in colouring.

After that I went back to sleep and prior to waking up, I had a dream. I was talking to someone about what was going to happen. How it was coming to the cities and towns in the countryside. I said, 'now we will see who is prepared, and who is not'. 

How is your flood defence systems David Cameron? People were warned to move away from the waters edge in this timeline. In the 80's, and 90's, people were warned to move at least 50 metres above sea level to be safe.

Keswick home of the great poets, William Wordsworth who wrote about the RECLUSE! 

Did Wordsworth know that the mother of life would become a recluse?



Lady of the Lake, I get the feeling that God is asking where is the house that you would build for me?,_Cumbria

IRELAND 150 flights cancelled, the reporter says that they've had a months rain in one go.

Biblical prophecy warned people not to fly in the wintertime in this timeline.

Isaiah 51:3, The LORD will surely comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins; he will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the LORD. Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing.

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