
Thursday 31 December 2015


Following on from the October dream about the chickens and me asking about the eggs. This evening my teeth 'hurt', and so I couldn't eat and drink anything today and this night. I had a lovely bath in candle light, coconut oil on the face, washed hair in coconut shampoo, while drinking some warm milk with cinnamon, cloves and fennel. Afterwards, I felt lovely and relaxed, and mouth and teeth felt better. Put on some creams clothes, cream wool jumper, and cream pants, and soft pink feathers for new years eve for a change and lighter energy.

Two Chickens Dream

After that I got thinking about Sophia, my gran, and when she was asked if she would like a drink, she would usually ask for Advocaat, so we always had a bottle at home for her in the cupboard and I sometimes was offered a 'Snowball' cocktail that includes sparkling lemonade.

We are aware of how important the eggs are for the vital body. However, what is the other message about the eggs, and why are they so important to my reality?

Apparently, Advocaat is a Dutch word for 'Lawyer' as the name of the drink, it is short for 'advocatenborrel' or 'lawyers drink' and 'borrel' is the Dutch word for shot of an alcoholic beverage.

Wiki share with us that it was 'so named as a good lubricant for the throat, and thus it is considered especially useful for a lawyer, who must speak in public'.

Stage Message

The sparkling lemonade in the snowball makes me smile, as years ago, Jesus called me a 'sodastream of love' amongst other things. Then we refer to the book of Timothy, it states that the Spirit of God did not give us timidity, he gave us power, love and discipline.

Hence we have the golden egg nog, the golden egg and who delivered the golden egg?

Mother Goose - The Empress. Mother Goose gives us rhyme and riddle, and the musical, humorous, and profound contents within a child's heart. It is written that she is a birther of the radiant light.

When people are one with her, they are one with the life-force of the cosmos. Mother Goose is the provider of a wealth of manifestation. She offers you an egg wherein is the whole of your universe.

The cosmic golden egg.

Now what is also amusing is that there is also a drink with the advocaat called a 'Fluffy Duck' and its made with rum and that reminds us of Paul who won in America with his baby doll who spoke about the fluffy duck.

Some might also remember the message received from Archangel Gabriel about the Geese during the years of our deliveries.

Now the new year as arrived, let me wish all our viewers to this blog, a very happy new year.

Welcome to 2016, you made it.

After I wrote the above and responded to a person about Israel. Then the heavenly Father spoke and he said, 'Now their schat'. Apparently in Dutch, 'Hey schat cava', means 'Hey love you all right?'. In Germanic languages it can mean 'Treasure' and a 'schatzi' is a term of endearment for a woman. So I can respond, and say, yes, I am feeling much better than I was earlier. How about the others?

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