
Thursday 31 December 2015

2016 Verses

It can be interesting to look at verses that align with the numeric of the year. In the book of Matthew we have, 'So the last will be first, and the first will be last'. 20:16. Interesting that 'Suspicious Observers' are known as SO and it can often relate to when people are leaving. As many people have been moved to safe locations since the 90's.

In the same way that Jesus sent his closest companions over to the other side when the storm came, so that they would be safe, while he went onto the mountain to pray. His companions returned to their spiritual teacher, when the storm was over. Water has always been associated with the divine feminine, as such, it is about the impact of the feminine energies to shift the people and their consciousness. As we know, it was the end of the world as people have known it in 2012, and we are getting closer and closer to the year ending in 22.

Hence the storms that the UK has experienced in 2015, with Desmond, (and the Aces) Eva, (Mother of Life) and Frank, is sure to impact on how people view life environmentally, and the future. I am so ready for a move, the question is will I be the last to leave?

In the book of John, 20:16 is when Mary calls Jesus 'Rabboni' in Aramaic, and it means teacher, and Jeremy Corbyn is an educationalist. Yesterday I was reading a Telegraph article about the 'Pampered Generation', the university students that are demanding that the fabric of a cultural university is changed.

You would think that they have more important things on their mind, like how they will survive what is coming upon this planet and what can be done to rescue our people. Students may restore these Islands, they may not replace them with the cultures that they came from.

Jesus didn't try to replace the spirituality and culture of Israel, and the Jewish people, he was restoring the spirituality of Israel, he was bringing back what had been buried. In 100BC they had closed down the prophet schools throughout the middle east in 100BC.

In the UK, up until the 1920's, people were still sharing their prophetic dreams with the police and coroners. Dreams were viewed as 'risk management', although in a recent dream that I had, it was enough of dreaming about happenings when heaven and earth is my witness.

Proverbs 20:16 is another verse with the same numeric. 'Take up a garment of one who puts up security for a stranger; hold it in pledge if it is done for an outsider'. 

So you can anticipate that 2016 will also include a lot around 'security', 'stranger', 'pledges' and what people wear that can defend them. As we know security and pledges can also relate to finances, so the news will continue with the migrant crisis, and PEGIDA are planning a major march throughout Europe in February.

You can anticipate that people will invest in what they feel can save Europe from Islam, and it means supporting the Christians, Jewish people, and the spiritual communities that comprehend what is happening. Were you sent to Egypt during your life? Do you know why?

Security and pledges can also relate to wills, and charitable donations and people putting their money where their mouths are. People will invest in - and provide security for that which they feel passionate about; and for some that will be saving the planet, for others it will be about saving the children, or agriculture, it can even be for the health and homes of their friends and loved ones.

Its about trust in what can make the future more secure than it is now. Its about stabilisation that can bring harmony to the huge changes that the planet and its people are experiencing. Changing what people wear and how they wear it, those involved in fashion will bring forth many messages to humanity. No surprise then that I was compelled to get a raincoat and wool hat prior to the floods.

As a numeric 16 indicates politics and biblically, Rev 16 mentions the 'frogs'. In the UK, the Brits have been known to refer to the French as 'Frogs'. So 2016 will be a big year for changes in France, not surprising really after what happened in Paris, what has happened in France will impact and compel the rest of Europe.

Remember this the Spirit of God did not give us timidity, he gave power, love and discipline, so today, and this evening you might like to consider if and who that was gifted to you? I can relate it in many different realities, including in business, and spirituality, can you?

1+6 = 7 and that is also the life number of the teacher, so a big year for anyone to do with education, and educating the educators to come. So consider how you can get involved in educational projects in your local communities, and how you can bring forth your influence to help the younger generations to understand what is happening. Ultimately, people will turn to the spiritual community for understanding that which they would like to comprehend.

So may you be blessed in 2016, by the Spirit of God that gives power, love and discipline. For it is essential that everyone integrates it fully. The world is a better world for true integrity of the heart, and the new millennium, the 21st century was born in wisdom more precious than rubies. Integrity strengthens you, love empowers you, and discipline provides for you and your life.

If a child has integrity they are strong, if a child has love in their hearts they are empowered, if a child has discipline they respect others, their elders, and their elders respect the children. Children breathe new life into their elders who require it, children energise and bring forth the bundle of joy they were born to be. Children bring smiles that can light up a room with the light in their eyes, our children are precious to all those that have the Spirit of God.

It is important that we keep the children close in this timeline, it is not a time for adventures, it is the sober decade, when many receive many reality checks to wake people up. As I have shared with many people the messages are getting bigger and bigger, some will listen and some will heed your words, to those that don't - the day will come when they will have to review it again. But by the time their judgement arrives, it will be too late for them, we will be gone to where we are meant to be.

For it is ordained and the LORD always saves a remnant for the continuation of humanity, to restore and to rebuild in a respectful and harmonious way, that is upright in all of its actions. The last reminder for pregnant mothers, make sure your flight is not in the wintertime.

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