
Thursday 10 September 2015

The Truth Will Set Them Free

Only those that have integrated and lived the true teachings of Jesus have the ability and willingness to take compassionate action and carry a person through the lazarus initiation. Why did they try to destroy wisdom? Jesus replied, "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them'. John 14:23.

She lived the truth for him - as he knew that she would and wisdom stood steadfast in the truth that she lived, in the heart of integrity, wisdom knew the truth would set them free. When wisdom wore the cross and it was visible - some fled from her and some pursued her. Looking back in hindsight, it is a fascinating case study of a real life and what happened.

Are you surprised that there are Muslim migrants that have refused food aid with the cross on the boxes? Are you surprised that many refused water? Are you surprised that guns were found in some of the boxes of aid that arrived on a boat? Does it remind you of the flotilla disaster with the boats that were on their way to Gaza from Turkey and Cyprus? Does it remind you of those Muslims that chose to be martyrs and willed it to be so? How bizarre people like that, that would rather die than accept the food and water from a Christian in Europe.

This prophetic mandala was gifted in 2013.

Does anything surprise you anymore?

The Linen and Chikum

You can tell when someone really, really loves you, when you ask someone to do something for you - and they do it - lovingly and willingly - and really that is what Jesus was saying about what he conveyed.

Wisdom more precious than rubies - the noble woman of character. Wisdom - a tree of life for those took a hold of her and kept her in their sight.

So open the windows, let in the fresh air, let in the light of the sunshine - let it into your hearts.

Live in the love of life, and living it. Live it - in happiness and joy, that you can find within you.

If it is your pre-destination to walk the way of holiness, and arise with it, it shall be granted to you with all that it has to offer you spiritually for your growth and spiritual transformation of humanity.

For what greater spiritual law is there - than the law that gives you life, and extends your life in love, dignity, freedom and social justice. Remember this that the spiritual kingdom was created before man.

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