
Monday 7 September 2015

Spanish King Prophecy

C6.Q15 A prophecy about Spain.

'Under the tomb will be found a prince.
Who will be valued above Nuremberg.
The Spanish King in Capricorn thin,
Deceived and betrayed by the great Wittenberg.'

And what do we find published this year? Archaeologists found the tomb of a Celtic Prince in France, 2,500 year old lavish tomb and chariot uncovered in Lavau.

That then gives us confirmation of the timing link, the prophecy as the numeric of '15', and this is 2015.

Wittenberg and Nuremberg are both locations in Germany - and as we know Spain is in the EU.

Felipe VI is certainly thin as the prophecy predicted and he took the throne in 2014. Son of Juan Carlos 1 - who was born an Italian. How did he become a king of Spain?

Its no coincidence that the Nostradamus prophecy as the numeric of C6 and we have a Spanish king with the same numeric in his title. On youtube there is a video of him on his visit to Bertelsmann, and Liz Mohn, Reinhard Mohn's second wife. It is written that in 2004, she endorsed Angela Merkel for chancellor.

Apparently Liz Mohn as assets of 3.5 billion, and she started as a secretary - she became the 'mistress' of Reinhard prior to marrying him. Sex got Liz Mohn a long way didn't it - into the bed and boardroom of Bertelsmann.

In the migrant videos we have seen some Africans saying that they are coming for the 'money', in this video, they speak of the paradise of human rights in Europe - and the freedom that they are willing to risk their lives for. Who is telling these people about the poverty in Europe, about the high level of unemployment, and about the fact that Europeans are not receiving their human rights? Did the interviewer tell these men and women the truth?

Human rights and social justice that people paid for throughout their lives. Every member of the UK pays very high taxes, and you are taxed from cradle to the grave. 

In the above video, a woman speaks to the interviewer, and explains that she had a job working for a woman in Morocco, and that the woman called her a 'slave'. As such, they view Europe as a place of freedom from that Islamic reality - that has 'enslaved' Africans ever since Islam was conceived. 

Of course, as Europeans who care, we cannot condone what is happening at that border. More should be done to help them create a new life in Africa, and more should be done to provide Africans with a truly human rights reality with social justice.

What they must understand is that Europeans have human rights too, the human right for our cultures to be healthy and prosperous. The right of our children to have jobs and there is 2 million unemployed youth in the UK alone. So how can Europe be prosperous if millions of migrants come to live in Europe and the corporations pay no taxes?

There are millions and millions of people that would like to live in Europe, if they had the choice, and even Europeans cannot live go and live anywhere that they would like to live in the world. Africans have to understand that there are restrictions, and they were born in Africa for a reason. Africa will prosper and we have seen the great progress that Africa is making.

It has been slow, but it is quickening - as more and more young Africans are educated - and are awake to the huge potential for prosperity in Africa. Women are even building their own houses in Africa, no rent, no mortgage, or property developers. Just a little savings. What is happening in Africa would not be allowed in Europe.

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