
Sunday 6 September 2015

Jesus Home Prediction

Interesting that I had that housing dream and I've just seen that the verse of the day is about the home.

Jesus replied, "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them'. John 14:23 NIV.

I would've loved to have stayed living in Australia - but the Son of God brought me back to England. After that I went to many places looking for somewhere suitable prior to being summoned. I looked at Italy, the Canaries, Spain. I liked the energy of where I went in Italy and the Canaries. Although the Canaries are even more vulnerable than Italy, I saw a lovely rainbow in the Canaries.

I asked the Italians in the village if they would be happy for me to come and live in their lovely village, they smiled, and were happy, the men said, yes. Yes, they would. I could only live where I was welcome to live in peace.

When I was in Israel - I was asked are you going to come to live in Israel, and I replied. I didn't feel that I would be moving to Israel. After that I was offered to go and live in America - and I was offered a house in a beautiful location. I just didn't like the energy of America, so could not live in such a country. America loves the melodrama - so says Ha'Shem, its very emotive, due to the fact that I exist and we record the songs and the psalms.

Wherever I live it has to be peaceful - and where I live used to be farmland, its so quiet and peaceful and its about my soul journey. As my north node indicates that previously I've been a householder, which I have in this lifetime as well. It also indicates that I have been a farmer in previous lifetimes, so food and the farming community would be important to yours truly this lifetime.

Interesting that I had a lovely farming mandala come in last year - and I'd love to paint again in the nature of the sunshine. Interesting that out of all of the countries in the EU, Italy is the most environmentally friendly, in as much as, it is the most ecological. Of course there are countries in the EU still to see and experience, and I am looking forward to seeing more of it - and I know that I never travel alone. I know that wherever I am, he is with me.

When I was in America, he was at the side at me - whispering in my ear about the spiritual leaders that I was talking to. Big smiles, he wasn't impressed with them, he loves his Lotus Feet. He loves the gates of Zion more than all of the dwellings of Jacob.

'With long life I shall satisfy him and show him my salvation'. Psalm 91:6. 'I will lift up the cup of my salvation and call upon the LORD'. Psalm 116. 13 and they saw that the cup had been lifted up on the galilee of the gentiles - on the banner artwork that was above my head. The paint had been spread by an artist specifically chosen for the people that required it.

Wisdom had arrived to give her expertise and revelation to those souls that required it - and thousands of people saw it in UK. As prophecy predicted life was given to those that took a hold of her - and kept her in their sight, for all her paths are peace.

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