
Thursday 3 September 2015

Forgiveness and Cream

After I wrote the post about the immigration prophecy in Isaiah 18, I received this message.

He said, he will come to you asking for forgiveness, I asked, who will come LORD?

He replied, 'You will see'.

In the meanwhile, I shall remain in my quietness as prophecy predicts.

After that I received the smell of Nivea Cream, Sophia, and her daughter used to wear that cream, and my mother introduced it to her daughter. Maybe that is a signature that she has chosen. The cream was clearly a very important message, and they knew that the day would come when I would understand it - as all three of us embraced life after death.

It is written that the word 'Nivea' comes from the word 'Snow White' and I used to put that cream on my body, after showering, after sunbathing. The last time that I put that cream on after sunbathing with my mother, we were in the Canaries together. I had taken her abroad for a short holiday break prior to Christmas, after she asked to come and stay with me for five months.  It was then that I spoke to her of the bridge of peace, as my light of hope for her - was to help her across.

The day she left, she gave me back the rose pink outfit of love that I had bought for her with love beyond measure.  I think she knew that she had no intention of staying on the planet - and she wished for me to enjoy that which was new. She even bought clothes and put them aside for me, and after her passing she told me exactly where they were - and where I should look.

She had even chosen my mourning outfit, just as when I was a child, she had chosen classic clothes for me to wear. As she always knew what looked the way that she wished for me to look, and what suited me best, classical. She taught us to hold our heads up, to greet people with a smile, and to always be dignified - especially at funerals. Her big brown gypsy eyes will always be remembered.

When the Son of Joseph passed over, she asked her daughter to be the one that would ring all of the friends and family to deliver the news. For she knew her soft voice would be more easily received by the ears that were to hear it - due to it - being gentle, quiet and peaceful. She also knew that I would hear the hearers of the message - and would comfort the hearts of those that were in 'anguish' over the passing of her husband, and our dad, while speaking to them of it. Including her in the days prior to it - and afterwards. At the end of the day, we all did our best in very difficult circumstances.

Bear in mind that he was younger than I am now - and she was looking forward to their retirement years together.

That amazingly strong woman,  then took her son to arrange the funeral, so that when the time came, he would know what to do, and know where to go. He was only a young man then, bless him, in his first saturn return.

So it was natural, that when she was taken into hospital, she asked for her son because she knew that he knew how to arrange the funeral. His mother had given him the responsibility to be the man, and to do it for her daughter. As she knew the impact her mother's passing, had on her.

She also knew that her passing would come during a difficult time in my life, and she did her best to prepare her daughter for the menopause and hormonal changes that would be experienced.

Clearly, what she did, had been planned out for a long time. Life without the Son of Joseph, was not easy for her, she hung on for as long as she could, she hung on to see her grandson grow up. To see how the widow's son was helped and saved, and to see that her son married and settled. Then she was happy to go - for what she knew to be true, had come to fruition.

Its fascinating to me that I was compelled to wear blue and white to her funeral. A dress coat and dress that she had gifted to me years earlier, years before we went to the Canaries. I have asked people today, what were you gifted with, what was bought for you to wear? For as Jesus predicted his healers are given clothes - and everything that we require.

The current strap line of Nivea is that 'We Care and Connect'.

So let us do a review, like I used to do with my son when we were in Australia.

Jesus predicted that his healers would be given clothes, and provided with everything that we require.

I was even given the Nivea colours of blue and white to wear at my mother's funeral.

This miracle worker and healer of humanity was even provided with the clothes for her mourning in 2005.

After that I wore the pink clothes that had been gifted on the first mission to Israel in 2006, as I had been instructed divinely to wear pink - I was in the pink from head to toe for the holy gathering on the holy hill.

After that I was gifted with the golden gown for the second mission to Israel in 2007, and to wear gold was divinely instructed prior to the mission. A colleague had actually bought it for herself, but when she saw it on me, she said, 'you must have it'.

You see Jesus looks after his miracle workers, and so does the heavenly Father.

Even the computer that I write from was gifted, (so was the computer prior to this one) that is how you know who is true. My son was also gifted with a top of the range computer by the woman that had gifted the golden gown.

You see when Jesus invested his time in developing a miracle worker, he did his utmost to ensure that they manifest, because he likes a return on his investment of the talents and spiritual gifts. I so love him.

That is how you know who is true, and who has been sent in his holiness - the way of holiness.

My homemade smoothie today, is banana, apricots, cranberries and sultanas, in milk, delicious.

Mum also gifted the Apricot peach coloured outfit, that I wore to a charity fundraising event in 2007, that feels like a lifetime ago now. It was history in the making.

So how well did you prepare your children in life - for when that day comes - when you leave the planet?

Its easier to accept - when you embrace life after death - and so it was that I helped my son to embrace it. He also held his head up, and greeted people with a smile, he was dignified. People have always mentioned how polite and well-mannered he is, and his grandma loved that about him.

Mum could take him anywhere - and everyone loved him, they travelled together, ate and danced together, they laughed a lot and shared great joy together. Children are the supreme joy of human life - and the double Aquarian water bearer has been loved immensely. Love beyond measure was showered upon him. The love, light and life that shone like the brightest star with the heat of the sun.

So to conclude; if you receive a smell that you recognise - and can associate it with someone that you have loved - and they are in Spirit. It is usually the case - that the person that you associate that smell with - is connecting with you, to let you know that they are with you - and that they care for you. In the church of spiritualism - it is known as evidence of life after death. The other fragrance that she has given previously is Miss Dior - that she wore.

The Nivea and the Canaries, mum is encouraging a holiday in the wintertime. She always went on holiday abroad in the wintertime - due to the high cost of heating bills in England. Also the sun was essential for healthy bones. When she was young enough - she would go abroad to Spain from November - March.

You can't wrap that much love up in a basket or a hamper that was given often.

The bridge of perfect peace. She knew that I was given the new vision, and she would like me to go forward with it, she supports everything that I do - for the healing and health of the people.

Interesting that the 3rd of September is the 'Day of breaking the mould' and that can be viewed in different ways. I certainly do things differently to the way mum did things, two different energies.

She was a watery Pisces and I was born an Aquarian like my son. However, I did my utmost to understand her - and with my Venus being in Pisces - it enabled me to give her my love beyond measure. Sometimes she was just a little girl that wished to be loved.

I have water up the nose again, and we all know what that means!

Songs and Psalms - HaShem's request that it be recorded.


  1. 1 Peter 5:2 Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing.

  2. The above post mentioned the water up the nose and today there has been another plane crash in the same field where Nigel Farage's plane crashed. The field requires some energetic space clearing due to their being an energetic vortex there.

  3. What's going on the Canaries? Major Magnetic Wave has hit the planet.

  4. Event in Spain at a car rally. So many warnings were given about racing.
