
Sunday 2 August 2015

Two Pigeons Homeless

I was given a message from HaShem while cooking cheese on toast and he said, Sarajevo' then I sat outside for a little while to get some sun. I saw two pigeons arrive and they began courting in the garden. The guy was trying to get the girl and she had a dance and flight with him around and around they went, up and down, just a little off the ground. Then she turned away from him an flew away from him. 

Then I spoke to him and said that didn't work out to well for you did it? Then he was puffing himself up. After that I saw a long line of purple light between the bird and I. After that I asked the bird if he would like some bread, he thought about it for awhile, and then flew up onto the wooden fence. After that he flew into the tree on my right that faces north.

Ted Andrews, author of 'Animal Speak' shares with us that the keynote of the pigeon is to 'Return to Love and Security of Home. The cycle of power being year round. The pigeon a sacred symbol of the fertility gods and goddesses. Pigeons can indicate a storm coming and that it is time to huddle with your family and next of kin. To be safe and secure in the activity of family. These birds remind us of possibilities, real and ideal, associated with home and family. Clearly, the male bird wasn't interested in being fed. 

Home and family then reminds us of this video where Russell Brand is talking about the view of TV presenters in America towards the 'homeless' and 'vulnerable' people in that country. He mentions home and family in the video and responds to what took place. He also shares his views as to the causes - as he looks on from afar upon a nation, and its 'police force' that have been found to speak of 'pain compliance'. While I was writing this post I could smell the coconut.

The heavens and earth are shaking - they will hear the goddess rattle. HaShem loves his honey bunch and he knows that her teeth do ache with pain. Zechariah warned the nations what would happen in advance. 

What else has been happening? Have you seen the video that there are some that plan to remove your footprint from the planet? Ponder upon the full implications of that in every reality, and also look at what happened in Sarajevo.

HaShem said, 'I love you honey bunch', so lovely, that the 'Four Tops' sung a song that included the words 'honey bunch'. 

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