
Saturday 22 August 2015

Three Tabernacles

Peter said to Jesus, 'Lord, it is good for us to be here; if you wish, I will make three tabernacles here, one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah'. 4 Peter. Was Jesus the lamb as Christians say he was? 'How much more valuable is a man than a sheep. So then it is lawful to do good on the sabbath'. Matthew 12:12 

However, scripture also advised not to rely on man. Why is that? The spiritual kingdom was created before man, and Isaiah 65 mentions the New Heavens and Earth that has been created in the last days of the end times. 

When is the feast of the tabernacles in 2015? 

September 28-October 5. No surprise then that September 28 is the 'Day of the Heartbreaker', so how will that impact upon the American Christians and Christians everywhere? Its followed by the 'Day of Reaction' and 'Day of Glaring Truth'.

Why is the lemon so important? Lemon helps the brain to assimilate Vit K.

What else is in the news today? Trauma is passed on genetically, is true.

We also found in past life healing work that a mother that had an eating disorder in a past life, has passed it onto her daughter in this life. So it was essential for mother and daughter to do past life healing with a therapist that could work with both mother and daughter.

It was due to training therapists to do past life healing work that I discovered that I had survived the holocaust - although afterwards I then went to die due to cancerous cells. Then in this lifetime, those memories were brought back and I had to have laser surgery, due to a metal contraceptive device that had triggered those cells to become active in my womb.

After I got the all clear - I then got pregnant, after my son was born, within six months those cells had returned - so I then had to have an operation on the cervix. Due to the fact that the Middlesex hospital in London, hadn't done what the laser surgeon had asked the hospital to do. After the laser treatment had been completed prior to the pregnancy.

Did the birth process also impact on the co-creation of ADD? I would say yes, due to trauma at birth changing DNA. Gran birthed mum on a bed of ice while having two heart attacks, and then when my mother gave birth to me, the doctor cut my cord too short, and I then had an hernia and screamed for ten days.

We also know scientifically, that if the flesh is cut in childhood, it mutates genetics and causes skin diseases and allergies. Hence I have the same skin disease as Moses, of course, I would be like him as it was predicted that I would be. Moses also asked for the blessings to be put upon the head of Joseph's family and England is the land of Joseph.

Then when my son was born, he also had a traumatic birth, and he had to be taken out with forceps, due to my contractions going at the crucial time. I had 36 stitches due to being cut open to get him out quickly. It was an emergency delivery, and it was a blessing that he was born alive.

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