
Saturday 8 August 2015

The Bronze

The bronze statue in the news today in the UK made me smile. It is a bronze statue of a man sitting on a park bench. It is written that they will install a sign with a warning, that the 'Surface will be hot' in the sunshine. 

It reminds us of Isaiah 60 and the mention of Kumi Ori and how 'Instead of bronze I will bring you gold, and silver in place of iron. Instead of wood I will bring you bronze, and iron in place of stones. I will make peace your governor and well-being your ruler. 

Its an interesting timeline in the life of God's people. I remember when my mother gave me a bronze statue of five beautiful dolphins and dolphins are also in the UK news today to do with the rescue that a pod of dolphins engaged in. How gold and silver was brought to me and cast iron was also given by my mother, as I had given to her - so she did give to me. 

Peace and well-being is also to do with what manifested while working on the galilee of the gentiles after my son was born. Exactly as the prophecies predicted. No coincidence than that in the Proverbs it speaks of how if you discipline your children, they will give you peace. Proverbs 29:17

My mother was given peace when she received the meditation of the heart that had been recorded; and her children worked together on its launch that quickly went to the top of the Amazon charts.

The meditation had a wonderful review in a national magazine, and then it soared. We knew that as a family, we had been blessed. My mother was overjoyed with our accomplishment together,  and how her discipline to her children had returned peace to her, peace and well-being. It meant that she could listen to my voice whenever she wished to do so. The sound of the healing vibration, she was not alone.

The meditation stayed at the top of the charts until after the first mission to Israel in 2006. Then my priorities and mission changed direction, in harmonic concordance with the will of God. The next phase of the journey for Elijah had begun in Israel. It was a time of revitalisation, and of listening to what the people in Israel had to say. The verse given the night before we went to Mount Carmel was about Elijah, and so again we read it while we were on Carmel.

While we were there - Christians from France arrived, and Jewish Israeli's were also doing the same - sharing the story of Elijah. While we were doing ceremony, it was a beautiful day. I loved Israel, especially northern Israel, it felt like I had gone home. Always in my heart.

After three weeks in Israel I felt wonderful, healthy, body bronzed, although I was now fully aware of the seriousness of my mission of compassion and mercy, in relation to Israel. It did begin to concern me; due to the sheer amount of responsibility that I had been given.

I kept asking, why me? Couldn't you have chosen someone else?

So I just carried on trusting faithfully and loyally, as I knew that I was in the care of the divine, and in the hands of God. Then information for the next mission to Israel was given. 

'The wise being calm in the end' Proverbs 29:11. 'Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still. Teach the righteous and they will add to their learning. Proverbs 9:9. 'The wise in heart accept (divine) commands'. Proverbs 10:8.

The great giver that spent her first weeks wages on buying her family presents. That was her way of saying thank you, for everything that you have done for me. Always giving from her heart. 

From the mouth of the righteous comes the fruit of wisdom. The lips of the righteous know what finds favour. Proverbs 10.

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