
Thursday 20 August 2015

Stones on England Dream

I had a dream and in the dream I was shown what looked the same as a small printed biblical passage and it was about rocks coming. These rocks were coming upon England and there was some link with Poland. 

Then when I woke up I thought of the 'Rolling Stones' and the message that they conveyed on their album cover. The only passage that I could see with the rocks coming is in the book of Revelation. 

In Revelation 6:16 it is thus: 'They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb'. 

Its interesting the titles of the songs that the Rolling Stones sung, 'Gimme Shelter', 'Start Me Up', 'Honky Tonk Woman', 'Brown Sugar', 'Paint It Black', 'Under My Thumb', 'Get Off My Cloud', 'Mother Little Helper', and 'Time Is On My Side'. 

The Rolling Stones album cover and the mouth, and yesterday I was at the dentist. While I was at the dentist, I met a lovely young man, and the light of love beamed through his eyes. I could feel the healing coming through his hands, and I shared with him that he had healing hands.

What else is in the news today? Billy Graham's Son-in-Law as passed over and was found in the swimming pool. Danny Lotz was a retired dentist, 78 years old, and it is written that he was taken off a life support machine two days after he was admitted to hospital.

The American evangelist went for a DIP in his pool. It looks like those that taught baptism are leaving the way that they taught.

In the case of Danny, after he was taken out of the pool, they then put him onto a life support machine, until it was turned off. Now think about what that means in life, did life begin with a machine so that it ends with a machine in this case?

My son wasn't baptised due to the Church refusing the mother and child, and he hasn't been fond of water or swimming. Although he liked it when I took him swimming as a baby, and when we were on holiday. Being ADD, and born in the computer age, his computer matters more to him than swimming.

However, when he was born, the machine was little use to us, as my contractions went at the crucial time. So it was an emergency delivery, and I was lucky that he lived. All 8lbs 13ozs of him, that big baby was too big for this little woman to birth, I told the doctors and midwives that he was two weeks late, he just didn't wish to come out of the womb.

He put on an extra pound, for every week he was late. He liked being inside of his ADD mummy, peaceful - well-being. I knew the exact night the baby was conceived, I knew when that soul arrived at the point of conception.

When he was born, and they put him on me, I said where is his hair? He didn't have any hair, and I was born with a mop of it. Now he has a beautiful head of thick hair like his great-granma Sophia, but he is always shaving it off. He shaves off his beautiful locks.

Anyway what do we have on Poland? Ten million people have 'hypertension' and the Polish tend to be big lamb eaters like the French.

And in the UK, 30% of the people have 'hypertension'.

What else? 

The Polish population experience more 'severe strokes' than Americans. 

The charity HEADWAY also share information on 'strokes' in the UK. No surprise then that it is the third most common death in the UK due to the 'hypertension' that is also at 30% of the population. It is usually because the brain isn't getting enough oxygen. 

How do we oxygenate the blood and get more oxygen to the brain, do you know? 

Do you know what oxygenates the blood by over 30% without taking a single tablet?

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