
Saturday 15 August 2015

Spiritual Blessings

As I have written, August is about the elders being helped by the next generation prior to the next solar eclipse on the 13th September, and that is the 'Day of Passionate Care'. 

'They were pleased to do it, and indeed they owe it to them. For if the gentiles have shared in the Jews's spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings. Romans 15:27

The 13th September, 2015 the next solar eclipse will be powerful for South Africa. 

In 2015, the 'Year of Generous' Matthew 20:15 

On the 'Day of Passionate Care'. 

Its a partial eclipse, saros 125. 

1+2+5 = 8 = Spiritual transformation. 

The 13th is also a very powerful numeric. 

13 is compelling change and those that were born on the 13th day of any month will be people that are pro-active in making changes as well as being responsive to the right spiritual changes. These people break new ground, new frontiers into the unknown so that it would become known, they crossed over together. Adapting to important changes gracefully and graciously. 

Using the strength of their vibration, to impart what has to be imparted to decrease negativity. It is a numeric associated with explorers, so you find these people exploring hearts intently. New discoveries and states of being, and most of all genius is seen by those that recognise it in its positive influence on humanity. 

Due to the passionate care, the purest intention and utmost attention, as this eclipse comes after Venus begins to move forward again. The love beyond measure, the incredible breakthroughs, the liberating of dignity, the liberating of love. The expansive repertoire lived, brings forth new realisations from the spiritual blessings that have been bestowed to all that received them.

This is pay back time, this is giving back for what you have received on a spiritual level  this is passionate care for the spiritual inheritance you have been given, that ensures your freedom in the spiritual law of living on this planet. In fairness, justice and good-will for all people. Reaping what you have sown, as salvation comes from the hills of Zion. From the gates of daughter Zion. 

Apparently, Saturn the teacher will be in Scorpio until the 17th September, so you are likely to see some big shifts after Saturn returns to transit my ascendent sign of Sag. This is going to be powerful right through to December 2017, and in 2017, it is the 100th anniversary of the so-called 'Fatima Prophecies'. And the wondrous woman from heaven, did not wear a red burka Chicago, big smiles!

Remember this that the spiritual kingdom was made before man was made. As such, the spiritual kingdom takes priority over man. That is why Enoch was taken away, that is why Elijah was taken up to heaven, that is why daughter Zion was redeemed, that is why the wondrous woman from heaven was rescued in both the Rev 12 timeline that overlapped with the Micah 4 timeline. the greater the spiritual love that you have become, the greater the causes that you are given. 

The spiritual kingdom is from whence the spiritual blessings came, and it is in the spiritual kingdom that all of the real solutions to what ails humanity is given. The healing energy comes from the spiritual kingdom, so how can humanity heal unless it totally embraces the spiritual kingdom and its true realities that have been seen, heard and lived? Its very much about are you with us, or against us, in the spiritual realms of being?

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