
Wednesday 26 August 2015

Ruby Tuesday

Following on from the dream of the rocks coming upon the UK, then the stock market crashing, then the announcement that it is the 'death of the buy-to-rent' market due to taxes that are being introduced.

Major changes in the UK and the end of the world as people have known it, (as it was predicted prior to 2012) it feels like many people are starting to realise that what was predicted as coming to be years ago. Is actually happening, some people were prepared for it and some were not. So shall we call it Ruby Tuesday? As wisdom is more precious than rubies.

What is happening with taxes that are being introduced will impact on estate agents, property developers, and individual investors in property. Hopefully, the impact will halt the fast escalation of property prices, and 'stop the rich getting richer, on the backs of the poor'.

Although David Cameron is still doing his utmost to get as many people as he can on the mortgage merry-go-round to bound people in debt that removes their freedom to move.

No surprise then that there is a company in the UK with the name 'Food Rocks' and their website is called, 'Food Rocks South' The 'wrath of the lamb' mentioned in Rev 6:16 is about food and the impact that food as on you. Did you have wisdom and insight? Or did you invest in pension plans, stock markets etc?

What did you invest in? Did you invest in the wisdom of love beyond measure and how to manifest it? Did you have oil in your lamp and become a miracle worker? How many lives did you save? Did you invest in spiritual blessings and help one to become a thousand healers of humanity? What did you bless with your time and effort?

'For just as each of us as one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all of the others'.  Romans 12:4-5 Is that true? 'Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body, you were called to peace. And be thankful'. Colossians 3:15. 

What did wisdom give to Israel? A lily of peace. 

Have you seen this? They are throwing tomatoes at each other. There shall be no Heinz tomato sauce in Israel, big smiles!  Wisdom recommends a beetroot sauce instead, although beetroot and tomatoes are good together. Both are good for the heart. Israel and the tomatoes reminds me of the dream that I had of tomatoes, and I was serving a tomato drink.

Real tomatoes are also excellent for the prostate and the pelvic floor, and it has been discovered that both men and women have a prostate. Of course, fresh tomatoes are the best. The body was made to process food, not eat processed foods. 

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