
Friday 14 August 2015

Rebbe Dream

While giving myself healing today, I dozed off and I went straight into dream state. I was at home, and there was some commotion outside due to a woman making a fuss.

Then I saw my son and the Rebbe was with him, he came inside, and he said that we had to talk.

So we went into another room, and I could hear a party outside the door, as we were closing it behind us.

My son looked at me and he said, 'Its about Joey', he was smiling in a caring and knowing way, and he said, 'I will have to talk to the boys'.

This video of the Rebbe was taken in 1983. In Jewish mysticism the world is sustained on the shoulders of Tzadikim Nistarim.

In Newcastle there is also a story about a man with the name of Joey, and the article says, 'You can't put a price on experience'. That is so true. 72% of the fans voted for Joey!

The dream tells me that the Rebbe is walking with the great-grandson of Joseph, and of course, he would carefully for his mother. The first time he appeared before me in Spirit was when I was in Safed in Israel in 2007. At that time he spoke and he gave an inspiring message, that mothers and their children would listen. The anniversary of the delivery of the everlasting covenant is on the 9th of September.

Ha'Shem also spoke to me while I was in Safed, and he asked that this anniversary always be honoured.

I heard yesterday that there is a wonderful eclipse coming on the 13th September this year. A solar eclipse, and the numeric of 13 is a special number. It is the 'Day of Passionate Care' and my son was caring passionately for his mother in the dream.

Joey is a short-form for Joseph.

In dream interpretation to dream of a member of your family indicates that there is going to be an upswing in your life. I can view it as my son, (and his generation) stepping up, due to him saying that he would have to speak, after he had spoken to to me.


  1. An interesting connection in the dream, with my son, the rebbe and the party inside my home, while the other woman was outside. Then finding the video of the Rebbe with a child that fell asleep at his feet. 1983 was an important year in my life. The year of my son's birth.

    However, what was all the singing about? In the video it is called a 'Nigunim'.

    Nigunim are usually sung at Hasidic gatherings (Tish/Farbrengens) when large numbers of followers come together to sing and to discuss spiritual concepts. The belief is that when you sing a nigun, the soul of the rabbi who created it appears in the room. On festive occasions the nigunim, especially, are joyful melodies. On the festival of Simchat Torah, the most joyous day in the calendar, fervent nigunim are sung in the dancing with the Torah scrolls.

    And it is written on the source link that there is a chamber that doesn't open, but with a nigun'.

    That's makes perfect sense, as some songs have the power to open up a reality. It also explains why when some particular songs are listened to, Jesus also makes his presence felt powerfully with me, when he is hot for a song or the artist. Something that I am writing or written, even when I am writing to or talking to someone. I hear him speak.

  2. When I say open up a reality, sometimes it can relate to a memory that offers you the opportunity to make a new realisation. Like a new revelation, or an unveiling of a different perspective or view on something that you already knew in your heart. Yet, maybe you hadn't viewed it
    like that before. We know that sound is very powerful and music is too, we know that voice is powerful, with its healing vibrations. We know that some voices and harmonies impact more on some people than others.

    We know that particular songs have a greater impact on some people than they do on others.

    We know that some people have a panoramic view of music and love to hear the words or music that touches and moves their souls to higher states of being. We know that many musicians have done their utmost to help humanity and give humanity important spiritual messages to help those that would have the ears to ear, the eyes to see, and the heart that understands.

    Blessings in abundance and love beyond measure.
