
Wednesday 26 August 2015

Marcy Borders RIP

Marcy Borders that was photographed during the 9/11 event in New York 'covered in dust', as passed over due to 'cancer', age 42. Donna Summer was also in New York at that time and she also passed over with cancer. I'm sure that there have been many more that don't reach the news headlines.

Do you remember the native Indian Russell Means? He wasn't in New York was he? Did Russell Means get international headlines when he passed and the reason why?

I don't think that people will forget 9/11 or how it was created. Its like asking people to forget WW2 that never ended. There is an OT biblical prophecy about the 'towers', and the 'powder weapon'. If people had wisdom they wouldn't have gone to work in those towers in New York.

Did Marcy Borders ask herself why many times? Borders is an interesting name isn't it? Isn't it a name of a corporation?

May Marcy and Donna rest in peace.

 'Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body, you were called to peace. And be thankful'. Colossians 3:15. 

Just before I saw the news on Marcy Borders, HaShem spoke and he said, 'Yoshofar'. 

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