
Friday 7 August 2015


Due to the uproar in the states of America over 'abortion' and what is happening to the babies after 'abortion' by Planned Parenthood. Many people think that the answer is for Christians to support sex education. Let's face it, sex-education didn't help Sarah Palin's daughter to make the right choices in life. I saw the other day that she now as a second unplanned child, at least I can put my hand on my heart and say that my son was planned. I even knew the night that I conceived, and the night that my son's soul entered my body.

As far as I am concerned it is better to teach children about anatomy of the human body. It is far more suitable for health. Teach them about the health of the body and the rest will follow naturally. It was found in Scotland that young people were asking for advice on their health.

If you teach anatomy to children, then you can teach them about the impact of 'abortion' on the health of the body and what happens to those babies. Teach them anatomy, and you can also include prevention for everything, including prevention of cancer, that has been caused by putting contraceptive devices inside the body.

I would train a lot more nurses and bring nurses into education for specific classes. I would bring in more experts into education for specific classes. Experts in their field. Teachers are trained to teach, they're not usually experts in the fields in which they teach. Nor do most of them have real life work experience outside in the work place outside of teaching.

In my humble view that is why we have a huge gap in what comes out of school and what is helpful and successful in the workplace. That is why youngsters that start work early, tend to do better than those that started later. Due to them getting a lot of experience in the workplace. I would employ teachers that have already worked in the real world of work prior to becoming a teacher.

At the end of the day, its not about grades and exams. Its about the emphasis, where that emphasis is, and how that natural talent is applied and nurtured. Teachers are usually excellent at developing and nurturing the talent of individuals when they have a free hand to do so. Like the farmer that tends his/her crops so that the flowers blossom, that is what the best of teachers excel at. Holding that soul gently in their hand to ensure that the child stays on track with its education.

All education should be holistic and educators have been saying that for decades, I agree with those educationalists that support an holistic education for children, because health impacts on every phase of a child's life, during school and after they have left school. What humanity requires is healthy children that love what they do. When a child's creativity is held back, that energy then turns into sexual energy, so creativity as to be enhanced in the life of the child to compel the child into doing what is healthy and good for the young person. Of course, there is also peer pressure at school, especially when they come of age to engage in sexual activity. That is why it is essential that an holistic healthy education is given to the children.

Its not just about learning about the birds and the bees as it was once called, its about learning about the self, understanding the self, and why their bodies are responding the way that they are in puberty. Otherwise the powerful energy in puberty can overtake a young person.

Youth don't always feel that they can talk to parents about it, and nor are many willing to discuss it with teachers. Children feel very self-conscious in puberty, and it is due to feeling self-conscious and shy that they often do not share what they are experiencing or encountering. That is why you have to open up the health debate on an holistic education, and seriously implement it for the good of the children and for their lives to be happy and joyful - creatively.

So what and who as been standing in the way of holistic education becoming a reality for children all these decades later? Usually its the educators of the educators, the policy makers that serve the corporations, instead of the best interests of the children and their hearts.

It was found that 70% of university students, did the university degree that their parents wished for them to do, instead of those students following their own hearts. That helped universities to comprehend why so many were leaving courses and/or changing courses after student had begun.

And who would like to leave university with a huge debt? That is no way to start out in life, with a £30,000+ debt to the politicians that introduced it.

People in the UK particularly, fought for free university education for every single person that could apply themselves to that extra education and it certainly isn't the right choice for everyone. Although its lovely when you hear that people have enjoyed going to university later in life; when they made a life choice to return to education. For sure, mature students are usually excellent students.

The unions knew in the 70's that there wasn't going to be jobs for everyone, so what is education going to do to prepare the children for that, so that it doesn't impact on their health?  As we are seeing that unemployment is impacting on the health of young people, and young people are becoming more and more withdrawn due to what successive generations have done.

Also it has been proven for decades, that a university degree does not guarantee you a job in the subject that you studied in, so what good is that? Not only are graduates finding themselves with a huge debt after going to university, many also have no job. Do you know how that impacts on the health of those people?

So humanity seriously has to reconsider, where it is going with education and children. The children must come first, and must be the priority because they are the future of every nation.

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